Letters to the editor
By Staff
We dare defend our rights
Alabama’s motto is not only a bold statement but a conviction its citizens have historically supported by their actions. Citizens of Alabama have repeatedly stood for their convictions and dared to defend their rights.
Alabama is now at a pivotal crossroads. As elections roll ever closer, there are many critical issues at stake that will determine the future course of this state.
Think back to the year 2003. The nation watched as a heated controversy developed over a monument engraved with the Ten Commandments that was placed inside the courthouse. It was put in that spot by Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Judge Roy Moore. He was found guilty of breaking the law and was removed from office.
The root issue of the court debate was more than the right to display the monument; it was about the constitutional right to acknowledge God. By acknowledging God, Judge Moore was simply doing what he was sworn to do and following the precedents set by numerous American and Alabama statesmen. Even the Alabama Constitution Preamble states, “We, the people of the State of Alabama… invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God…”
In reality, Judge Moore was not breaking the law; he was upholding it. He powerfully demonstrated Alabama’s motto, and he dared to defend his right to acknowledge God. By his actions, he demonstrated he is a man of integrity, conviction and principle.
Judge Roy Moore is currently running for governor of Alabama. As a fellow citizen, I would encourage you to consider supporting him. At this important decision-making time in Alabama, we need a man with a proven record of strong leadership, a man who will not cave into the pressures of special-interest groups, and someone who will promote the issues of principle that all Alabamans hold dear, someone who will dare defend our rights.
Josh Pittman
Former resident glad to be back
I have just moved back to Hartselle after a slight 41-year absence. I am very pleased that while the city has grown, the people are still the greatest. From the electric company, cable, and any others I have had to deal with, without exception, they have been extremely courteous and helpful. I got my cable hooked up in the snow! I plan for this to be my home until my time is done, and can only hope the people remain as friendly and helpful as they are now.
Steven Michael Reid
MCHS class of ‘68
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