A look back
By By Dr. Bill Stewart
March 25, 1960-Spring turkey hunting season opened today. The closest county for the best hunting would be Walker.
March 25, 1960-The Rainbow Garden Club hosted an evening of entertainment at the MCHS gym tonight. All proceeds are being donated to the Heart Fund.
March 25, 1960-At today’s meeting of the state board of education, Gov. John Patterson continued to call for a 10 percent cut in teachers’ pay as part of his proration plan, necessitated by revenue shortfalls.
March 25, 1960-Ted and Max Lee and Jimmy Segars, members of the Falkville High FFA, won a soil-judging contest at Eva this afternoon. David Lockhart is their sponsor.
March 26, 1960-The 1933 graduating class of Danville High School held a reunion at the All-States Restaurant in Decatur tonight. Attendees included Mary Doss Nuby, Inez McAbee Higdon, George Hardwick, Ora Lee Hicks Wade, Orlee Sims, Evelyn Edwards, Arzella Wright Lowery and Ola Aldridge Johnson.
March 27, 1960-Noise from Saturn tests, when they begin at Redstone Arsenal, may be audible here in Hartselle, but the powerful sounds given off when all eight liquid propelled rocket engines are firing, won’t cause problems. The noise will be music to the ears of local people fortunate enough to have jobs at Redstone.
March 28, 1960-Hartselle State Rep. Bob Gilchrist predicted today that the current proration would not force schools to reduce their nine-month school terms or cut teachers’ salaries. He expects local banks to loan schools the money they need to continue normal operations until new revenue sources can be found or tax collections rise.
March 28, 1960-First Baptist pastor Rev. W. L. Carden began a revival at Bethlehem Baptist tonight.
March 29, 1960-The high school senior group at Falkville Methodist Church had a skating party tonight. Coach Hugh Morris is the group’s sponsor.
March 29, 1960-A Hartselle man who was formerly a county employee committed suicide this afternoon at his home here after shooting a Decatur woman four times. She is currently at Bank Street Hospital in critical condition. The two were said to have been in a relationship that the woman wished to terminate.
March 30, 1960-The biggest and costliest census in U.S. history began tonight (identified as transient night). Several Hartselle residents have already become parts of the 170,000 temporary workforce that will be used to conduct it. The overall aim is to make sure no one among an estimated 180 million Americans goes uncounted.
March 30, 1960-America’s most popular baseball player, Yankee Mickey Mantle, got his first homer of the spring season against the Cardinals in a St. Petersburg game this afternoon.
March 30, 1960-The biggest and costliest census in U.S. history began tonight. Several Hartselle residents have already become parts of the 170,000 temporary workforce, which will be used to conduct it. The overall aim is to make sure no one among an estimated 180 million Americans goes uncounted.
March 31, 1960—Wyrd R. Morrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Morrow, 404 Bethel St. N, Hartselle, is now stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. He is a 1958 of Morgan County Training School.
March 31, 1960-Following their recent marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Crane (nee Ann Hoffhaus) are now at home at Forest Hills Apartments in Auburn where both are students.
March 31, 1960-The contract to build the new bridge on Barkley Bridge Road that will span Flint Creek has been awarded to G. W. Norrell Contracting Co. of Georgiana. The bridge is expected to cost about $75,000 to construct.