Letters to the editor
By Staff
Help save nation from socialism
Almost everything our elected officials in Washington are doing is unconstitutional. Therefore, it is time for us to take action to save our nation from socialism.
Dear Senator (President),
Just a quick reminder that you are my employee. These are the responsibilities given the Federal Government by the Constitution:
Specifically—(1) Borrow money, (2) Regulate commerce among the states, (3) Regulate naturalization, (4) regulate bankruptcies, (5) coin money, (6) Fix weights and standards, (7) Punish counterfeiters, (8) Establish post offices, (9) Establish post roads, (10) Record patents, (11) Protect copyrights, (12) Create federal courts, (13) Punish pirates, (14) Declare war, (15) Raise an army, (16) Provide a navy, (17) Call up the militia, (18) organize the militia, (19 Make laws for Washington, D.C. and (20) Make rules for the Army and Navy. Any responsibilities not given here are given to the states and the people.
No where in that list do I find these responsibilities: health care, education, control of the climate, control of manufacturing, control over insurance etc. Therefore, they are not constitutional, They are illegal. President, Senator, Representative, when we hired you, you swore to uphold the Constitution. You are not doing that:
Therefore, unless you do everything in your power to remove all of the unconstitutional agencies and departments, when your contract that we gave you comes up for renewal, it will not be renewed.
A pack of 100 blank cards only costs about $1.35. A 28-cent postage stamp is all it stakes to mail a card.
Please send one to each of your Senators, Representatives and the President. Go to these websites to get your Senators and representatives addresses, or check with your local newspaper: Contact representatives at http://writereep/.welcome, shtmi. Contact senators at: http/www.senate.gov/general/.contact_information/senatorscfm
Send one to the President at: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20500.
Also, give others copies and ask them to do the same thing. If you have relatives or friends in other states, send them a copy and ask them to so the same thing.
People can argue about what is being said verbally but I believe when they get enough of those cards in black and white with signatures, they are likely to decide to do what their employers tell the to do. We are their employers, you know.
Thank you for taking part in this grassroots operation to save our nation from socialism.
Ed Slaten