New Center News – Jackson, Motes descendants reunite
At my house May is a very busy month with homecomings, family reunions and Decoration Sunday. I do enjoy going to these events and catching up with how everyone is doing. Plus, it’s always good to be able to visit with family and friends.
The descendants of the late Andrew Jackson and Ruth Irene Motes gathered recently at the Hillard Long Community Center in Somerville for lunch. Attending were Fred and Evelyn Motes, Nathan and Javon Alldredge, Mike Motes, Lois Hill, Ray, Susan, Emily Ann and Johnathan Towery, Linda Stewart, John Motes, Barbara Hughes, Loretta Coleman, Holly and Matthew Clem and Buck and Faye Johnson. Also attending were cousin Kenneth Motes and wife Gwen and Kenneth’s daughter and grandson, Tommy and Braden Gallaway. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful time.
The Plainview community lost one of its long-time community members last week. Christian love and sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Mrs. Evelyn Sivley.
Christian love and sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Justin Holt and Rev. Jerry Grimes. Please continue to remember these families in your prayers.
Bro. Benjamin Bates has accepted a call to be the new pastor of New Center Baptist Church. He and his family will be moving here within the next two weeks and he will conduct services on Sunday, May 23. A special welcome is extended to them.
Happy birthday wishes go out to Mary Ann Sharp and Randall Wilson, both on May 13, Justin Burgess, Cindy Lemmond and Mary Wilbanks, both on May 15, Alyssa Hines on May 17, Charlotte Doshier, Michael Pratt and Mary Prater, all on May 18 and Jenny Thompson and Linda Terry, both on May 19.
Homecoming and Decoration Day will be observed at New Center Baptist Church on Sunday, May 16. Bro Clyde Ledlow will be preaching in the morning service, followed by a covered dish dinner in the fellowship hall. The Fellowship Quartet will be singing at 1:30 p.m. There will be no evening services.