A look back
May 20, 1960-Dr. Guy L. Colbert is currently in Mobile for the first annual meeting of the Alabama State Chiropractic since the new state licensing law was passed.
May 20, 1960-Eleanor Rausa and Oscar Theodore (Ted) Gibson are now engaged to be married. Their wedding will be an event of June.
May 20, 1960-Jimmie Bennett is reported to be in “fair” condition following a recent wreck on Highway 31 north in which his pickup truck smashed into a bridge and skidded into Flint Creek. Earl Lansdell, the daytime manager of the nearby Kayo Service Station, jumped into the creek and rescued Jimmie from his sunken truck.
May 21, 1960-Gov. John Patterson has proclaimed today as Armed Forces Day in Alabama.
He has called on all citizens “to display the flag of the United States in recognition of the sacrifice and devotion to duty of the members of the Armed Forces.”
May 22, 1960-The Ross Ford scholarship will be given for the first time at the upcoming MCHS graduation exercises.
Robert Clemons is taking the leading role in this effort to honor the late MCHS principal.
May 22, 1960-Funeral services were held today for Troy Baker, 62, of Decatur. Mr. Baker, the father of Hartselle industrialist Raymon Baker, died Friday in a wreck at Hurricane Hollow, a deep highway fill, about three miles south of Lacon on U.S. 31.
May 23, 1960-The Hartselle Civics softball team beat the Decatur Rotary team tonight behind the five-hit pitching of Earl Payne.
May 23, 1960-Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Orr are currently visiting in Atlanta.
They will be accompanied home by Mrs. J. E. Freeman, Jr., who will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. P. W. Barclift, for several days.
May 23, 1960-The Wesleyan Service Guild of First Methodist Church met tonight in the church dining hall for a covered dish supper. Mrs. S. E. Stewart Jr., is president of the group.
May 24, 1960-Brenda Brock and Carolyn Hartselle will be honored in a few days as co-valedictorians of the MCHS Class of 1960. They tied with identical grade point averages. Carolyn Pettit is the salutatorian.
May 24, 1960-Roy B. Mayfield is presently assigned to Company A, First Battalion, First Training Regiment, of the U.S. Army Training Center, Infantry, at Ft. Jackson, S.C. He will be in basic training for eight weeks.
May 24, 1960-Norman B. Lockhart has been promoted to the rank of chief petty officer in the U.S. Navy. C.P.O. Lockhart has been in the Navy for 12 years and is now stationed at the U.S. Naval Air Station at Anacostia, D.C.
May 24, 1960-Mrs. Jack Betterton entertained members of the Bethel HDC at her home tonight. Mrs. Frank Bean was co-hostess.
May 24, 1960-The Rainbow Garden Club met this afternoon in the home of Mrs. A. D. Plemmons with Mrs. Richard Stoner as co-hostess.
May 25, 1960-Only 52 pints were given during today’s visit of the Red Cross Bloodmobile to the First Methodist Church. The quota was 120 pints.
May 25, 1960-Catherine Anne Dunaway, Joe L. Wright, and Jimmy Day, students at Jacksonville State College, arrived today to spend the summer here with homefolks.
May 26, 1960-Rev. Joe Gomes has resigned the pastorate at Bethel Baptist Church.
May 26, 1960-Cadet Paul Julich has been awarded the Sons of the American Revolution medal at Auburn University.
May 26, 1960-Mrs. Tommie Fay Vest is a new R.N. at Hartselle Hospital.
May 26, 1960-Diplomas will be awarded to 50 pupils at “graduation exercises” at Crestline Elementary School.
May 26, 1960-Mrs. Kenneth Sharrott’s kindergartners had their annual graduation picnic tonight.
May 26, 1960-Brig. Gen. L. C. Pattillo is spending two weeks at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., attending to official Army business.
May 26, 1960-Max Merrill, a student in the School of Dentistry, University of Alabama Medical Center, Birmingham, is spending the summer in Hartselle and is employed by TVA.
May 26, 1960-Douglas Moss will serve as president of the MCHS band for the 1960-61 school year. Suzanne Drinkard is vice-president.