Letters to the editor
Survey didn’t reflect library usage
Because of the small number of participants, your survey did not present a complete picture of just how much and how many folks in our community use the Hartselle City Library.
Currently, the library has 8.057 patrons, who, as of May 3, had 2,808 books on loan. Also, the library has eight personal computers available for internet connectivity and or stand-alone processing. These computers are in use 80 percent of the time.
Carolyn Halford
City should be proud of HHS band
You have much to proud of! Recently we attended a music competition in Cincinnati and witnessed an awesome high school band from Hartselle High School win first place. Every member of the band, staff and chapperones presented such a positive image for your community. The music was some of the best we have heard. It was unfortunate that the weather did not cooperate and the kids had to play indoors and march in place as we would have loved to have seen the best marchers do their magic, but the moment was magical nonetheless. I sincerely hope that in the future your band would consider applying for the Indy 500 Parade held annually in May in conjunction with the Indianapolis 500 Race. The quality of this band’s musical talent, and more importantly, the quality of the individuals playing in and supporting the band is, simply put in one word: outstanding. You are truly an asset to Hartselle and the spirit of the USA. Kudos to all!
J.M. Spellman
Indianapolis, Ind.
Express your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor. Send your thoughts to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640
or email to news@hartselleenquirer.com. Signed comments can be included as Letters to the Editor; unsigned ones in our
E-Sound Off.