e-sound off for the week of June 3, 2010
Your source for community topics and thoughts
“Remembering those who served
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Ronald Reagan
This memorial day we should all pause and thank the families of those brave service people that paid the ultimate price. Family members that are no longer with us, that paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have a few liberties. We as a nation of people are forever in their debt.”
Sounding off on teacher change
“Crestline parents pay attention! Your child will not have a full-time music teacher this fall even though he/she attends the largest elementary school! Your child is being shortchanged to save a dollar!
Start now complaining loudly and relentlessly to the Superintendent! Complain continuously to the board members until this injustice is corrected! It’s all about money and they have chosen to shortchange your child’s education!”
“The change in the music program will have an impact on all of the elementary students…not just the Crestline students. Students at Burleson and Barkley Bridge will have their music time decreased to allow the teachers to have time to serve Crestline. Also, at Barkley Bridge the music teacher used her planning time to work with struggling readers since Barkley Bridge does not have any reading resource teachers (like the other elementary schools) to give extra help to the children that are experiencing reading difficulty. These students will no longer be able to get extra help as set up in the past. Plus, the only special education teacher at the school was moved to the Jr. High. Not sure what the benefit is to cutting the teachers which are the ones that are working with the kids. Cuts need to be made in other areas.”
The Hartselle Enquirer’s e-sound off is an opportunity for residents to provide anonymous comments about community issues. All comments are subject to editing. The Editor reserves the right to refuse publication. In the event of several submissions on a single topic, a representative comment may be used. Comments can include your thoughts on local issues, questions about policies or procedures or praise for a community group, business or person. Email your comments to news@hartselleenquirer.com with “Sound-off” in subject line.