Oden Ridge News
I’m sorry I haven’t written the news column for awhile. I have been overwhelmed and haven’t had time to write.
I’m sure that at one time I wrote about cancer, but I just don’t remember.
I know that five and one-half years ago I lost my son to this terrible disease. Also, we lost our 12-year-old grandson in April of last year in a terrible accident. Now Rick’s 12-year-old grandson, Chase Jesse, has had surgery and will have to undergo chemotherapy.
At this time, we need the prayers of our friends and neighbors. Chase has an 80 percent chance of a cure. Also, I just heard that a very dear school friend of mine, Gordon Atkins, has a return of lymphoma and will have to undergo chemo again.
One of my best friends and cousin, Maudie Garnett, just had a malignant tumor removed from her brain. She also has to have chemo treatments.
I tell you there is just too much of this. I wonder where all of the money goes or research is going and if these people are so smart why can’t they find a cure or better yet a preventive.
There are things like chemicals and other things I believe that causes cancer. Also chemicals get into your blood and cause other things, too.
We are killing ourselves and destroying our world.
If I sound like I’m upset, I am.
I saw a big, healthy 6-ft. man lose down to a skeleton and die a horrible death and now a beautiful 12-year-old child with cancer has to go through chemo. Yet we sit back complacent and do nothing, but you know what, I don’t know how to stop it. But I do know that it will take everyone working at it.
When you try to talk to people about the chemical thing, well-educated people act like they have no idea what you’re talking about.
So I just ask you to remember my little grandson in your prayers and also Maudie Garnett, Gordon and Marie Adkins and all of our friends who need your prayers.
We have had several anniversaries this month so we want to send all of the honorees our best wishes. Larry Bartram celebrated on May 20. Jennifer and Brad Douthit on May 31 and Chrissy Drinkard on May 16.
The Bates and Owens families of Eva had their reunion on May 16 after Decoration at Bethel Methodist Church Cemetery. They all met at the home of Elizabeth Bates Wod. There were 44 people present.
Billy Bowles, 86, and his son, Steve, were there from Apex, N.C. They came from the longest distance and visited for a week.
Everyone had a great time and all are looking forward to meeting again next year. Several others stopped by to visit. Mrs. Eyla McAnally stopped by to visit with Billy Bowles on Monday.
We also had several birthday honorees during the month of May/. They included my stepson, Dennis Bohnet on May 2, little Lacie Brooks, Elizabeth Wood’s great-granddaughter, who was five on May 17, my daughter-in-law, Cindi Simmons, on May 28 and sister-in-law, Emma Westman on May 28. Her family in North Dakota helped her celebrate her 90th birthday.
Lawrence Cove Baptist Church observed Decoration Day on the fourth Sunday in May. There was a covered dish dinner and singing afterwards.
We were able to see cousins we hadn’t seen in years,
Daniel’s Chapel had a dinner and a singing after worship services recdently. Everyone enjoyed the Cavaliers singing and also little Amanda Hunter.
The ladies of Journey Baptist Church enjoyed attending a convention in Birmingham recently.
Several friends of Eva School’s 1957 graduating class got together and dined out on Friday, June 11.
Thanks to Elizabeth Wood who arranges to get us all together.