Letters to the Editor
Downtown work not an improvement
I would like to comment on the things that were said about downtown Hartselle. I don’t know who this Kenny Thompson is, but I don’t think he has been in some of the stores downtown if he says he doesn’t want junk in them. Some of them you can’t even walk in the door. I worked in Hartselle when I turned 16 years old at V.J. Elmore’s and downtown was booming at that time because there was something in the stores besides old stuff. People don’t care about all that and the lights in town are so messed up that it is a task to get through the town and the parking spaces about half of them are taken up by lights and flowers. They have messed up the little town of Hartselle with all this fancy stuff and they call it a little amount.
Oh well, I am 71 now and I don’t have anything to go down- town for because I was raised on all that junk.
Mary Key
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