Letter to the editor
Do you have to have turn signals on your vehicles in Hartselle?
I noticed that at least 75 percent of the drivers in Hartselle do not give a turn signal or they did not come equipped with a turn signal on their vehicle at the time of purchase or maybe just did not purchase the turn signal at the time of purchasing their car.
They must not have been given a ticket or citation by the Hartselle Police Department because if they have been given a ticket or citation they still do not care about the safety of other drivers around them. What is the law for not using a turn signal when driving?
Also, I think there should be a litter law and if there already is one, it should be enforced.
If you look when you come off Interstate 65 all you see on both sides of the road at homes with litter around them until you get to Highway 31 and Highway 36 and beyond. This could be a reason you have so many vacant buildings on Main Street that are not rented.
I wonder if anyone has ever given this a thought? Usually, when you enter most historical towns the areas around them are neat and clean. Maybe we should think about cleaning up the litter in the great town of Hartselle?
Ernest Dunn