New Center News
New Center Baptist hosts VBS
I’m sure BP is holding is breath hoping and praying that the oil leak in the Gulf is finally fixed.
Get well wishes go out to Kenneth Taylor who had open heart surgery recently. We hope he will have a speedy recovery and will be able to be out and about soon.
Congratulations to Scott Schmitt, son of Karen Plemons. He was promoted to the rank of master sergeant on July 16.
Christian love and sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Danny South who lost his battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease recently.
Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Hannah Hardin who will celebrate her birthday on July 30.
Special happy birthday wishes to my sister, Kaye Widener, who will celebrate her birthday on Aug. 4. I love you bunches, Von.
Happy birthday wishes also go out to the following: Dot Ballew on July 30, Kari Begemann, Abby Jenkins and Jean Thomas Kreps, all on Aug. 1, Charity Teague, Jacob Winton, Arianna Edwards and Vicki St. Amand, all on Aug. 2, Zachary Jansen and Brian Vines, both on Aug. 3, Brooke Begemann, Donna Kirkpatrick, Stephen Robinson and Steve Perry, all on Aug. 4.
Happy anniversary wishes go out to Mark and Dione Hatfield and Ray and Regina Long, both on July 30, Wayne and Jane Young and Charles and Maxine Lang, both on July 31 and Pastor Shane and Joy Lewis on Aug. 1.
A vacation Bible school commencement service will be conducted at New Center Baptist Church Aug. 1, at 6 p.m. Homemade ice cream will be served afterwards.
A prayer walk will be held at Sparkman School Aug. 8, at 8 a.m. Those participating are asked to meet at New Center Baptist Church at 7:45 a.m. Prayer notes will be handed out at that time. This event is being sponsored by the Women on Missions at New Center Baptist Church. Everyone is invited to come and pray. Patricia Moody is serving as director.