Letters to the Editor
I said some years ago when this mayor and council was elected, that they were anti-business, and they have proved me right, once again. The very idea that people that own land can’t build a sit down style restaurant anywhere near where Cracker Barrel is to locate for 20 years, is a perfect example of their ignorance of free enterprise. When Cracker Barrel built on the beltline in Decatur and in Cullman, I’d bet good money that neither city was required to agree to stifle competitive, likewise businesses in order for them to locate there. Our council’s recent refusal to allow someone to de-annex their property from the city reflects poorly on their competence for the office and positions they serve.
There is an ever-growing ground swell of people all across this country, that are sick and tired of the way elected people behave. This was recently reflected locally when Hartselle’s mayor and Morgan county revenue commissioner were told an astounding no to their dreams of holding higher offices. Denying our sheriff another term in office was the icing on the cake, for now.
We need to keep this momentum going. We need an elected school board in Hartselle.
This makes each person elected accountable to the voters, and diminishes the possibility of “quid pro quo.” scenarios, between the mayor’s office, city council and the school board. Sure, the current board members are opposed to it, but why? Is their popularity that low among the voters? Is the idea of getting out, going door-to-door campaigning, too time consuming and stressful? Or, is it that they fear the voters have seen through their hollow rhetoric, and wouldn’t give them the time of day, much less their vote.
Matthew 6:24 says, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
The same can be said to these currently elected and appointed people of Hartselle. “You cannot cower to outside entities, and turn your back on the people that you represent.”
Mike Dowdy
Express your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor. Send your thoughts to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640 or email to news@hartselleenquirer.com.
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E-Sound Off.