A look back
Aug. 19, 1960-The Hartselle Connie Mack League baseball team returned home today, winning third place in the prestigious Daytona Beach tournament.
Before finally being eliminated, Hartselle had defeated the local team as well as Lynchburg.
Star players for Hartselle were pitchers Rayford Luter and Douglas Turney. Hartselle was the only representative from Alabama in the southeastern regional tournament.
Aug. 19, 1960-Several parties have recently been given for local brides-elect. One enjoyable event was a bridge party for Sarah Ann Thompson and Martha Lynn Roberts in the home of Mrs. Sam Wheat in Decatur with Gene Brindley Horton as co-hostess. Catherine Ann Dunaway received the high score at bridge and Ellen Allen the bingo prize.
Aug. 19, 1960-Tommy Putman is showing decided improvement following his July 27 heart surgery and subsequent complications. Danny Rollins has been dismissed from Johns Hopkins Hospital and had a fine check-up today.
Aug. 19, 1960-Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Yarbrough and sons, Jimmy and Charles, are currently vacationing at Daytona Beach.
Aug. 19, 1960-Several candidacies have been announced in connection with the upcoming municipal elections. Orval W. Tanner will seek to become Hartselle’s new mayor as will Grady Long, Robert Street, and E. A. Lott. Individuals seeking seats on the city council include Troy Nunn, Dr. David Chandler, Rev. W. P. Maxwell, Howard Roan, John D. Long, B. M. Ward, W. H. “Hal” Hogan, Virgil Bailey, E. H. “Red” Phillips, and W. J. McCombe. Incumbents asking for re-election are Lloyd Logan and S. E. “Happy” Gibson. Today was the last day to qualify to get a place on the September ballot.
At present, 11 men have thrown their hats into the ring for the five places on the city council and four have asked for the opportunity to head the government.
Long served for four years as city attorney and Tanner is presently the council president pro tem.
Aug. 19, 1960-Football candidates for the 1960 grid season reported to head Coach J. P. Cain for their first practice this morning.
Aug. 19, 1960-Mrs. Opal Cross Stewart and her daughter, Mrs. Dottie Lanier, and little son, Tommy, are in Tuscaloosa today to attend graduation exercises at the University of Alabama during which Bill Stewart received his degree.
Aug. 20, 1960-Sarah Anne Thompson and Bill Evans were married this afternoon at Hartselle First Methodist. The church pastor, Rev. Warren C. Hamby, read wedding vows.
Aug. 20, 1960-Leland Lindsey is a surgical patient at Hartselle Hospital.
Aug. 21, 1960-Mrs. Albert Black of Thomaston, Ga., is the guest this week of Mrs. L. R. Palmer.
Aug. 22, 1960-The Hartselle Civics are concluding another successful season as a vital part of the Decatur Civic Softball League. Stars for Hartselle include pitcher Earl Payne and clutch hitters J. P. Cain, Billy Evans, and Brub Hamilton.
Aug. 23, 1960-Season tickets for MCHS home football games are now on sale at Nu-Way Cleaners. A season ticket for the six games is selling for $6.
Aug. 24, 1960-Susan Stewart became the bride of Wesley C. Greayer this afternoon in the parlor of the First Methodist Church. Mrs. Dottie Lanier, sister of the bride, was her only attendant.
Aug. 24, 1960-The Hartselle Jayceettes held a fashion show at the Rodeo Theatre in downtown Hartselle this morning. Mrs. Peggy Byford directed the events, with proceeds going to the Girl Scouts.
Aug. 25, 1960-The Morgan County Exchange held its annual meeting here in Hartselle today.