Letters to the editor
Hartselle doesn’t need alcohol
I am writing this letter as both a parent and newcomer to Hartselle.
My family and I came to Hartselle about two years ago because of the quality of life in this town. After living in multiple cities both in this state and outside of this state, Hartselle offered some attributes that we found very appealing. Our family feels safe. Our family feels welcome. And the schools and athletic programs are second to none. However, some recent events have me deeply concerned about our city’s future and keeping these attributes in tact.
I understand there has been a recent movement to get a liquor vote on our upcoming ballot. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to live here with the quality of life that we have and then take a big risk on ruining that quality of life by inviting liquor to be sold. Some supporters have mentioned that allowing alcohol would greatly increase our tax revenue to help improve roads, schools and city projects. However if that were the case, why do towns with alcohol sales still look up at Hartselle and our schools?
While it may appear that allowing alcohol will bring in a handful of dollars, closer inspection reveals that we will be spending truckloads in return. Several states and cities have done studies to find out how much net profit they made by taxing alcohol. The results are quite surprising. For every dollar generated by alcohol in Utah, $1.37 was spent in alcohol expenses. In Massachusetts, each dollar made resulted in $3.50 being spent. And in Memphis, $2.28 was spent for every dollar made. Where is all of this money being spent? It is spent on alcohol related accidents, alcohol related disputes, alcohol related crimes and even alcohol related deaths. And even if alcohol revenue did create “money to grow on trees”, how much revenue is worth the life of a loved one?
I urge those who are pushing to allow liquor sales to consider the problems associated with the sale of liquor – underage drinking, DUI, bars and nightclubs, increased crime, neglect, spouse abuse, child abuse and others. Is that our vision for Hartselle? And more importantly, is that our vision for our children?
I urge every Hartselle resident to join my wife and I to keep Hartselle safe by voting no if this matter is placed on the November ballot.
Andy and April Priola
Traffic at school is hazardous
I am writing in regards to the traffic hazards at F.E. Burleson. I do realize that the police department is probably doing its best, but if a crisis occurred anytime between 7:20 -7:45 a.m. or 2:20-3:10 p.m. there would be no way for emergency vehicles to access the school or parents needing to check their child out early.
Bethel Road is impassable during these times. It is extremely nerve-wrecking to sit alongside the road waiting to pick up a child. It is useless to try to come from Bethel Street and turn onto Bethel Road. Do these people have to go to Main Street in order to get in line? Surely there is a solution to this problem or are we to wait until the high school is built causing more chaos? Does someone have to wreck before something is done? Having a policeman directing traffic helps, but it is still a chaotic mess.
Lisa Leeth
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