Letters to the editor
Don’t judge this book by its cover
On Aug. 26, I visited the public library in Hartselle, parking in a handicap space with my disabled placard displayed on my mirror.
I returned to my car to find a note under my windshield wiper saying that misusing a handicap parking space was rude and inconsiderate and I was breaking the law.
How I wish I was! I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in December 1999.
Before you so quickly pass judgment, remember that looks are deceiving.
Walking unassisted is not rude, inconsiderate or breaking the law. It just means you are having a good day.
Jimelle Slagle Reeves
Neighbors are friends indeed
I reside at 2218 Peach Orchard Road in northwest Hartselle. I would like for you to realize there are different people in our neighborhood. On Thursday each week our garbage is picked up so I usually put it out on Wednesday evening.
On Thursday, Aug. 2, I got up at about 5:30 a.m. and looked out the window to see my garbage can turned over and garbage strewn all over the yard. I said to my wife I’ll clean it up after breakfast. When we finished breakfast, I got my camera to take some pictures of it. When I got out the door I looked at my yard. Guess what? There was no mess. One of my neighbors had cleaned up the entire mess and my garbage can was back in its place.
My point is there are still a lot of good people and in my neighborhood are some of the greatest.
May God bless all of my neighbors richly, and please pray for the one who dumped my garbage on my yard.
Roland Guyse
Express your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor. Send your thoughts to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640
or email to news@hartselleenquirer.com. Signed comments can be included as Letters to the Editor; unsigned ones in our E-Sound Off.