A look back
Sept. 23, 1960-Sam Minor, owner of Minor Refrigeration and Furniture, is currently in Nassau, British West Indies, enjoying an all-expense-paid vacation as a result of selling a certain quantity of a brand of air conditioners. He also scored on a special sales campaign last year and went to Acapulco, Mexico.
Sept. 23, 1960-Sparkman Street will be resurfaced soon.
Sept. 23, 1960-More uniforms are needed by the high school band. The MCHS PTA has started a campaign to raise the funds to purchase them.
Sept. 23, 1960-Mrs. Paul Thomas is currently in Jacksonville, Fla., taking a training course for Western Auto dealers.
Sept. 23, 1960-The MCHS Tigers fought gamely, but lost to Decatur 13-7 tonight. Hartselle last beat Decatur in 1938 by a score of 6-0.
Sept. 24, 1960—Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lyle of Birmingham are weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyle.
Sept. 24, 1960—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans were in Birmingham today for the Auburn-Tennessee football game. Others from Hartselle in attendance included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Broom, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Speake.
Sept. 25, 1960-Bobby Ray Hicks, a Hartselle young man, has joined the Great Alabama Corporation as an administrative aide to James A. Lane, Huntsville, chairman of the board of the corporation, and George Lewis Bailes Jr., Birmingham, president.
Sept. 26, 1960-Rev. E. M. Barnes Jr., former pastor of the Hartselle First Methodist Church, is currently a patient at a local hospital. He was appointed superintendent of the Albertville district by the North Alabama Conference in early September.
Sept. 26, 1960-The Morgan County governing body decided today to give the $12,000 it usually appropriates annually to the Wheeler Basin Regional Library to the individual schools instead to purchase books for their libraries.
Sept. 26, 1960-Bro. Junior Hill is the evangelist in a revival that began tonight at the West Hartselle Baptist Church. Bro. Hill, who is now a student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, was recently called to a pastorate at Carthage, Miss.
Sept. 27, 1960-The old mayor and city council held their last meeting before leaving office today. They had planned to give an orientation to the new officials about to be installed, but only one, incoming Councilman Troy L. Nunn, showed up. The new men cited “prior commitments.”
Sept. 27, 1960-A get-acquainted PTA meeting was held at MCHS tonight. The speaker was Principal J. C. Pettey.
Sept. 27, 1960-The home of Mrs. Coy Stephenson was the setting this afternoon for the Sept. meeting of the Homemakers Club.
Sept. 28, 1960-James Dwight Henderson, 17, of Valhermoso Springs was killed in a motor scooter accident this afternoon near his home.
Sept. 28, 1960-Youth for Christ, one of the most important programs ever started at MCHS, held its first meeting today with approximately 100 students in attendance. Sherry Maddox is president of the new group.
Sept. 29, 1960-Today is the premier showing for the new 1961 Fords at Nicholson Motors. The ‘61 models feature a new style, a shorter body (nearly four inches), and are narrower (by two inches).
Sept. 29, 1960-Willis McCarley, Hartselle 4, killed a six-foot, four-inch coachwhip snake he found this morning while working in a field near New Center church.
Sept. 29, 1960-New officers for the Hartselle chapter of Rainbow Girls were installed tonight. Brenda Aldridge is the group’s adviser.
Sept. 29, 1960-A trampoline jumping concession is being installed by M. A. Bush at the site of his Dairy Bar.