A look back
Oct. 21, 1960-Former President Harry Truman spoke at a rally in Decatur today in support of the Kennedy-Johnson ticket. Gov. John Patterson introduced him. Thousands of Democrats from throughout North Alabama attended the rally.
Oct. 21, 1960-Dr. Guy L. Colbert has returned from Birmingham where he attended the fall meeting of the Southern Indiana Synod of the Evangelistic and Reformed Church. He represented the United Church of Christ Mission of Huntsville.
Oct. 21, 1960-Hartselle Kiwanians served up pancakes tonight prior to the MCHS-Russellville football game. Patrons could eat their fill for only one dollar. The Tigers beat Russellville 33-14 in the ballgame.
Oct. 22, 1960-Mrs. Y. A. McCall and Mary Frances McCall are spending the weekend in Monroe, Ga., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grisgo and family.
Oct. 22, 1960-The Jayceetes held a rummage sale at the L & N station today. Mrs. J. H. Nesmith was in charge.
Oct. 22, 1960-Jimmy Plemmons, the Key Club president at MCHS, says members are hiring themselves out on a half-day basis beginning today and continuing for the next several Saturdays to make money for the club treasury.
Oct. 23, 1960— New telephone directories will be distributed next week. There has been an increase from 1,439 to 2,879 telephones in the Hartselle area.
Oct. 24, 1960-A joint meeting of the three Hartselle PTA’s was held tonight in Pettey Gym. Hugh F. Penn, president of the high school PTA, presided. F. E. Burleson, principal of Hartselle Elementary School, was recognized as outstanding educator of the month.
Oct. 24, 1960-The Ila Jo Bishop Girls Ambassadors met at First Baptist Church this afternoon.
Konnye Reynolds was elected president of the group.
Oct. 25, 1960-A busy city council session enacted important measures for Hartselle residents at its regular meeting tonight. Diagonal parking is ended on Main Street. Parking will be parallel on both sides. The council also made it illegal to possess or store firecrackers in the city limits or police jurisdiction.
Oct. 25, 1960-Paul Prince, a Danville Road resident, remains in Hartselle Hospital tonight following an accident this morning when his car collided with a mail truck. Prince, who was not at fault in the accident, is suffering from two broken ribs, a bruised back and side, a bruised kidney, and other internal injuries. The postal vehicle driver failed to yield the right-of-way as he should have.
Oct. 25, 1960-Hartselle Rotarians watched a Norman Vincent Peale film at their regular meeting today. It was entitled, “Positive Thinking, Key to Success.” It showed how negative, defeatist thinking breeds defeat, while positive, optimistic thinking and activity will spawn success. The current Rotary president is Dr. Roland King.
Oct. 25, 1960-W. H. Evans spoke on “Pruning and Shrub Care” at this afternoon’s meeting of the Rainbow Garden Club in the home of Mrs. Charles Taul.
Oct. 25, 1960-Dr. W. H. Block returned tonight from St. Louis, Mo., where he attended the annual meeting and 33rd scientific section of the American Heart Association.
Oct. 26, 1960— Mrs. Cline Thompson has been elected president of the Bethel HD Club.
Oct. 27, 1960-Fines hit a record of $1,404 in mayor’s court this week. The total includes two DUI’s, two VPL’s, and 10 for public drunkenness.
Oct. 27, 1960-The City of Hartselle has sold bonds in the amount of $254,000 to Hugo Marx & Co. and Berney Perry & Co., both Birmingham firms, to improve the municipal filter plant.