A look back
Nov. 18, 1960-Family and friends hosted a birthday party tonight at the All-Steak Café in Cullman for Dr. Harold Blanton.
Nov. 18, 1960-Henry Lee “Bud” Payne, 77, died at his Hartselle home early this morning after suffering for some time from cancer of the prostate.
Mr. Payne had formerly been a prominent cotton buyer and ginner. Funeral services will be held on Saturday at First Methodist Church with the Revs. Roy Hewlett and S. E. Paulk officiating.
Nov. 19, 1960-Fred M. Speake, 72, suffered a fatal coronary at his residence this afternoon. He had just been dismissed from the hospital this morning. Mr. Speake had owned a hardware business for about 15 years that was located where Fowlers Rexall Drugs now stands.
In 1938 he was elected to the county commission on which he served for eight years. He was also formerly a member of the Hartselle city council. Since 1947 he had been in the real estate business with his son, Lamar.
He is survived by wife, Vera, four sons—Joe, Lamar, Hershel, and Otto-and two daughters, Mrs. Van Glasscock and Mrs. Thomas E. Kimbrough.
Nov. 19, 1960-A turkey shoot sponsored by the Hartselle Jaycees was held today at the intersection of old and new Highway 31.
Nov. 20, 1960-An argument over money combined with drinking led to the death this morning of a man near Railroad Street. Another man is now in the Morgan County jail charged with first degree murder and being held without bond. The victim was stabbed four times with a pocketknife.
Nov. 20, 1960-Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pridmore today at Hartselle Hospital.
Nov. 21, 1960-At today’s meeting of the First Methodist WSCS, Carolyn Teague spoke of the many changes in recent years in Japan. Miss Teague first went to Japan as a missionary in 1912. She revisited the country in which she labored so long earlier this year.
Nov. 21, 1960-Troy Nunn, E. A. Oden, Jim Eidson, Coleman Holmes, and Billo Wiley are in Montgomery today for the annual Masonic Grand Lodge conference.
Nov. 22, 1960-The Massey HD Club held a bake sale at Doss Hardware & Furniture Co. today. Proceeds will be used to aid underprivileged children.
Nov. 22, 1960-The Hartselle Kiwanis Club met tonight at the Massey school in observance of farm-city week. The speaker was R. C. “Red” Bamberg, Alabama’s Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Industries.
Nov. 22, 1960-The Hartselle city council is discussing the possibility of levying a garbage tax. Presently, the expense of the garbage department rests squarely on the shoulders of the general fund.
Nov. 22, 1960-A new policeman was hired tonight by the city council from a list of ten applicants. Wilber Abercrombie, 48, is currently a member of the Morgan County sheriff’s force. With the addition of the new man, Hartselle now has seven police officers.
Nov. 23, 1960—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fedusenko, natives of Canada, became U.S. citizens today. Mr. Fedusenko is an anesthesiologist at Hartselle Hospital.
Nov. 23, 1960-Duck hunting season opened today. It continues through Jan. 1.
Nov. 24, 1960-Mrs. Opal C. Stewart is spending Thanksgiving weekend in Atlanta with friends.
Nov. 24, 1960-The MCHS football Tigers of ‘60 had their best season in 21 years.
The home guys scored 239 points to their opponents’ 84 and finished with an 8-2 won-lost record.
Nov. 24, 2010-Ten new uniforms have been ordered for the MCHS band. Funds needed to purchase the outfits were raised during a PTA drive.