e-sound off for the week of November 25, 2010
Your source for community topics and thoughts
Sounding off on this and that
“While sitting on my front porch yesterday a strange thought entered my mind. Does Hartselle City Schools even have a basketball program. All I ever hear about is baseball and football. How come our die hard Hartselle sports fans never talk about basketball? It makes one wonder on how our elite sports fans think. One would think that our sports fans would support all sports and not just two. This reminds me of an old saying. He (or she) cannot see the forrest for the trees.”
Sounding off on school board
“Let us all remember one little fact. Our elected officials like to appoint members to the school board who answer a certain question right. The questions is, “What do you think is one of the main responsibilities of a member of a school board?” The answer that they are looking for is “To give the superintendent what they want.” Hopefully this will come to an end starting the fall of 2012. By the way, when the one board member’s term ends next year, there is one reason his replacement will be appointed. Our elected city officials are more worried about spending $35,000 for an election instead of giving the people who voted them into office what they want, the chance to vote for a member of the school board.”
Sounding off on traffic woes
“I have a suggested remedy to help with Hartselle’s money concerns. How about putting a half dozen patrol officers out on the city streets actively ticketing every motorist who ignores the traffic laws? I counted more than 10 just this morning driving in the dense fog without having their headlights turned on. Same thing when it rains. They could ticket the tailgators, those who fail to yield right-of-way. Run redlights and stop signs seeming to think they do not apply to them. I’m sure they could make an added $1,000 a day for the city with the fines. Oh, and lets not forget the lady who tossed her cigarette onto the stoop of city hall Thursday morning just before stepping in for her turn before the judge. I hope she was there to pay for a traffic ticket.”
Sounding off on alcohol sales
“Alcohol sales is not the whole solution. Alcohol sales will generate needed sales tax revenue. It is up to the elected and aoointed city leaders to use common sense and spend the new tax revenues wisely. As we have seen so many times in so many places, this does not happen as often as it should.”
“Everybody is saying that alcohol sales will draw in business and improve our school system. Then why is the Huntsville School system laying off teachers because they don’t have enough money. The way that I see it alcohol is not the answer.”
Sounding off on school board
“There has been a couple of posts concerning the staffing of our city schools starting in the fall of 2010. During my latest conversation with Superintendent Dr. Reed I was told the following. When our new high school opens and the schools are realigned there will be no need to hire new personnel. All of the students and support staff from the old high school will transfer to the new high school. As for the rest of the schools, the fourth and fifth grade teachers will transfer to the new middle school. There will also be a transfer of support staff from the three elementary schools to the new middle school. Likewise the same will happen for the teachers and support staff from the old junior high to the new junior high. I cannot remember exactly what Dr. Reed said concerning the principals, but I believe that either one of the personnel of the current junior high would get promoted to be the principal at either the new middle school or either the new junior high. I realize these are high expectations to believe. I am just waiting to see how things play out. I for one would like to see some of the personnel from the Central Office fill the necessary support slots at the schools. I will let you guess on who these individuals are.”
“If you really believe that no additional employees will be needed, then you are wishing upon a star. Or, maybe the school board and the superintendent still believe in the tooth fairy or Santa Claus, who knows? History repeats itself. How many times has this board and other previous school boards been deceptive to the public. We have two more years before they are removed from their appointed positions. Two more years of the same old, same old!”
The Hartselle Enquirer’s e-sound off is an opportunity for residents to provide anonymous comments about community issues. All comments are subject to editing. The Editor reserves the right to refuse publication. In the event of several submissions on a single topic, a representative comment may be used. Comments can include your thoughts on local issues, questions about policies or procedures or praise for a community group, business or person. Email your comments to news@hartselleenquirer.com with “Sound-off” in subject line.