e-sound off for the week of December 2, 2010
Your source for community topics and thoughts
Sounding off on federal pay limits
“Our poor under paid federal workers are up in arms over the White House decision to freeze federal wages for two years. I wonder what the poor under- paid federal workers think about the US citizens who are on Social Security and disability who did not get a cost of living increase this year and will not get one next year. I will admit that the Feds did give these people a $250 tax rebate last year. I also remember that a good percentage of the people who got this $250 rebate had to pay it back to the Fed when they filled their 2009 federal taxes. I also realize that the White House has also mentioned giving this $250 tax rebate again this year, however, Congress has yet to approve it. The question that I do not know the answer to is does this new White House freeze on federal pay mean that our elected officials are having their pay frozen also? I doubt it. What do you think?”
“The good old days are sounding better and better. I hope you are not looking forward to Obama Care where we will have a government requiring us (private individuals) to purchase health care insurance or face a government fine.”
Sounding off on schools
“For the last couple of years we have heard many, many horror stories about the conditions at the junior high school and at the high schools. We have been told of overcrowding and poor facilities. With all of these allegations, why are parents who live outside of the city limits paying $500 per student for their children to attend these schools with so many problems? Before all of the comments start, yes if you pay in full before a certain date you get 10 percent off and a maximum of $1,000.00 per family. I would think that a parent would visit the schools and see what they are like. I am just wondering how much wool certain people are trying to pull over our eyes. I do not think that our schools are in the dire state that we are being led to believe. I believe the bottom line is that certain individuals just want their name on a plaque or a cornerstone.”
Give me the good old days
“How did we ever evolve to where we are today? Black and white televisions with only 2-3 channels, party line telephones, leaving the windows up and the doors unlocked when we left home or went to sleep, no seat belts in autos, the list is endless.
How did we make it with old timey cures for ailments? Black draught tea and castor oil for bowel or stomach problems, coal oil or white kerosene for instant stopping of bleeding, hot toddies for cold or flu remedy, Colgate toothpaste for burns, another endless list. Nowadays, we go to the doctor, he/she prescribes meds that might begin to work in 72 hours, and a high monetary cost. We are required by law to wear seatbelts. we lock, bolt and turn on our security alarms on our cars and homes to prevent theft or illegal entry. Leaving the doors unlocked and the windows open when we sleep is unheard of.”
Give me the old days. It was so much simplier.
The Hartselle Enquirer’s e-sound off is an opportunity for residents to provide anonymous comments about community issues. All comments are subject to editing. The Editor reserves the right to refuse publication. In the event of several submissions on a single topic, a representative comment may be used. Comments can include your thoughts on local issues, questions about policies or procedures or praise for a community group, business or person. Email your comments to news@hartselleenquirer.com with “Sound-off” in subject line.