Gov. Robert Bentley Inauguration Speech
The following is the text of Gov. Robert Bentley’s inaugural address delivered Jan. 17 in Montgomery.
Good afternoon. First let me say thank you, for choosing to share this very special day with me, my family and our state. Inauguration day is always a special day in our state and country, because it serves as a symbol of what our country is all about.
The people elect their leaders and then there is a peaceful transfer of power. As we’ve seen in other parts of the world, that is something to cherish and to celebrate, no matter your political affiliation.
Inauguration days are a time of new hope and expectations, but they’re also a time for reflection. And, as we look back over the past eight years, we owe a debt of gratitude to Gov. and Mrs. Riley for all they have done for our state.
I would also like to thank Gov. Riley and his staff for the smooth transition between the end of his administration and the beginning of ours, and for making sure we have a seamless transfer of power. When administrations work together it is always what’s best for the people of Alabama.
I want to also thank my family for their support and sacrifice the past several months. I especially want to say thank you to my wife Dianne, your first lady. She has sacrificed so much for me but always supported me and most of all prayed for me. Her character, wit and servant’s heart will serve her well as your first lady.
God has richly blessed me with a wonderful family and I am honored to have them here with me today.
I want to thank my staff, as well. You all have worked tirelessly alongside me because, like me, you believe Alabama’s best days are yet to come. I will always be grateful for your love and dedication.
Today, as I take the oath of office as governor of the state of Alabama, I will never forget, that no matter what my official title may now be, I am a servant of the people.
We live in a great state where someone from humble beginnings can grow up and be chosen as its leader. So, most of all, I want to thank you, the people of Alabama, for giving me this opportunity to be your public servant.
I have said all along, I now work for you, the citizens of Alabama.
I feel like I’ve spent the last 18 months interviewing for a job, and I’m proud and humbled to have gotten the job. Now that you, the people, have hired me, I am no longer the Republican candidate for governor. I am the governor of all of Alabama — Democrat, Republican and independent, young and old, black and white, rich and poor.
My job is to make all of our lives better together. And let me also say how I look forward to working with the new leadership of our House and Senate to accomplish that.
I am particularly honored to be inaugurated on a day celebrating the life of one of our country’s most influential leaders. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached about facing challenge and adversity not far from where we stand today.
Dr. King once said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
I believe these words continue to ring true. I know these are challenging times for many of our citizens. I’ve looked into the eyes of those who’ve lost jobs and can’t feed their families. I’ve talked to people who have lost their homes. What I am trying to say is that
I know times are tough. I’ve seen the challenges.
But as I’ve traveled all across Alabama, I’ve also been reminded of the strength and determination of our resilient people.
I want to take a moment to encourage you to do what I’ve done. Travel this state — take time to enjoy the beauty of Alabama. Visit the mountains of north Alabama, enjoy our clear lakes and streams, stroll the main streets of our small towns in rural Alabama, and spend some good, quality time on the beautiful, clean beaches of Gulf Shores.
I believe, if you do this, you will learn what many of us have known all our lives: We are fortunate to live in a remarkable state.
We have so much to celebrate in Alabama today, our past and our future.
I’ve always been an optimist. Maybe it’s my background as a physician, but I’ve always believed that, if I listened to my patients, diagnosed the problem and we worked together to determine a course of treatment, we could overcome their challenges. And after talking — and listening — to so many people across the state, I know that, working together, we will make things better for all Alabamians.
Now, that process has begun.
Because of the new ethics laws proposed and signed by Gov. Riley and passed with the guidance of these outstanding legislative leaders, we have started the process of implementing the toughest ethics package in the country.
It is an excellent start to what I know will be a great working relationship. Now we can focus on helping the people who elected us rather than arguing about the need to get our own house in order here in Montgomery.
The people of this state are counting on us to focus on them, not ourselves.
All across America, people are looking for leadership. If nothing else, the 2010 elections told us the people of America are fed up with business as usual. They’re tired of partisan politics and the federal government. They want action, not arguments. Americans are looking to their own state governments to provide leadership. And we’re going to do that in Alabama.
We live in a great country, and we will work with the federal government when we can, but they will not dictate our every move.
As elected representatives, we answer to you, the people of Alabama, not to politicians in Washington.
I will defend our right to govern ourselves under our own laws and to make our own decisions without federal interference.
But I will also always remember the words of the Declaration of Independence, signed by our brave forefathers on July 4, 1776: “That we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their creator, with certain unalienable rights.
These unalienable rights cannot be surrendered, bought or sold because they come from our creator, not from the government. In Alabama, from this day forth, government will only be an instrument for protection of these rights.
As I have said time and time again, we will put Alabama back to work. One of the most important things government can do in our state is help create jobs in the private sector. There are many challenges that we must address as we move Alabama forward. But creating jobs is the key to addressing all of these challenges. When Alabama is at full employment, our citizens have money to spend, our tax revenues increase and our economy thrives.
A thriving economy can lead to better education for our children, and can open the doors to improved health care for the vulnerable among us.
Most importantly, when Alabama is at full employment, it will mean that, along with a job, we have restored hope and purpose to thousands of our fellow citizens.
To those Alabamians who have been out of work for months and are discouraged and losing hope: I want you to know I will work every day to create new jobs in the private sector. And so will everyone else in state government.
We must continue to create a business climate that makes our communities competitive when we’re recruiting new industry to the state. But we must also remember that most new job creation comes from existing businesses and we must offer the same tax breaks and incentives to them.
We must acknowledge that job creation is everybody’s business and that state government needs an attitude adjustment.
If you work in government in Alabama, job creation must be your focus. That is a directive from your chief executive.
I’m going to direct every state agency to do whatever it can to work with the private sector and create jobs.
We are going to have to be creative. Agencies that are not typically focused on job creation will certainly have to be now. Whether it is the Department of Transportation installing a turn lane so a Dollar General store can open on time or the Conservation Department helping to create and build a state-of-the-art convention center at Gulf Shores, our state’s mission from today forward is creating jobs for Alabamians.
You have heard me make this promise: I will not accept a paycheck until we reach a level of defined full employment. And now it is time that we — the men and women elected by you — remember this: We all work for the citizens of this state. We have 4.5 million bosses.
I challenge every elected official to join me in pledging to be a true public servant — a
servant leader — for the people of our state.
We must be more committed to creating jobs and doing what’s right for our citizens than keeping our own jobs in the next election cycle.
Jesus showed his disciples by example, that in order to be a great leader, you must first be a servant. And he demonstrated this, with the lowly act of washing the disciples’ feet.
As public officials, now is not the time to be self-serving. It’s not the time to remain silent, inactive or apathetic.
Now is the time for us to come together, take on the challenges we face and make life better for the people of our state.
The challenges are great, but as Mordecai told Esther as she placed her life in jeopardy to save our Jewish brethren, how do we know that we have not been placed here today for a time such as this?
In these times of challenge, we must stand on the principles that unite us.
We all want a good job and to be able to take care of our families. We all want our state to be a great place to live and to work. Working together, we can accomplish these goals. Working together, we’re going to get through these tough times. We’re going to put Alabama back to work. And I truly believe Alabama’s best days are ahead
God bless you. God bless America. And God bless the great state of Alabama