Letters to the editor
Jeweler goes extra mile
Dear Editor:
My husband’s cousin recently passed away at the too-early age of only 24. She left behind a younger sister, whom I’ve only met once. However, because I have an older sibling, I could only imagine the absolute loss this child would go through.
I decided to buy the younger sister a charm bracelet with her older sister’s initials engraved on a charm. Of course, I waited until Saturday to do this and the funeral was the following Sunday. Procrastination never pays off.
As I walked into Buzzy’s Jewelry Store, I noticed all the cases were empty.
“Oh no, have you been robbed?” I asked the girl behind the counter. “No,” she replied, “we close at noon on Saturday.
I glanced at my watch and to absolute disappointment found that the time was 12:35.
Dejected, I turned to exit when a familiar voice piped up behind the counter. “What ya need?” Buzzy asked as he pulled up a facemask from working on a piece of jewelry.
I told him the sad story and of how I needed a charm engraved, but knew he was closed, so I would come back another day.
“Nah! Go ahead and get what you want. I’ll engrave it in about 10 minutes,” was his exact words to a girl that wanted to keep him open late – on a Saturday to boot!
I found the perfect charm, the perfect bracelet, but not the perfect amount of money in my wallet. I was one dollar short.
Now after I am already holding this man and one of his employees up on a Saturday evening, after being closed for 30 minutes, he still foots me the buck, engraves my gift and wraps it up so beautifully, that I got a little teary eyed.
Buzzy has a lot of gorgeous gemstones in his store, but he shines brighter than any diamond in there.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Torri Teague
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