Have we had our blackberry winter?
New Center news
Is our pretty weather here to stay or do we have one more cold snap to come? I know that the dogwood trees have bloomed but are the blackberries blooming yet? Spring is such a wonderful time of the year. We have got to enjoy all of the flowers and their beautiful colors but be careful because we have to endure pollen, bees and wasps. Congratulations to Todd and Taunton Griffith on the birth of their son, Jude Thomas Griffith who was born Tuesday, Mar. 22, weighing six pounds and 10 ounces and measuring 18 and one-half inches long. His proud grandparents are Mark and Karen Gr1ffith and Tom and Vicki Clackley.
During the months of April and May Wings of New Center Baptist Church will be collecting new toys for the Children’s Hospital in Birmingham. Suggested items are: Play Dough, stuffed animals, bubbles, stickers, markers, matchbox cars, Disney DVDs etc. Please, no toy weapons, used toys or candy.
Christian love and sympathy is extended to Zac and Michelle Ferrell in the loss of Michelle’s grandmother, Estelle Teague.
In the foyer of the Fellowship Hall of New Center Baptist Church is a very special wall. It is the Wall of Honor and Memory. If you would like to purchase a plaque to honor someone or to remember someone there are 100 spaces available. The plaques are $80 each and the money is earmarked for the Building Fund.
Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Paula Bates, Randy Whitten, Cindy Lemmond and Mark Wilbanks, all on April 15, Harold Callahan and Tyler Perry, both on April 16, Alyssa Hines on April 17, Charlotte Doshier, Michael Pratt, Hoyt Bracken and Patricia Moody, all on April 18, Lisa Halbrooks, Belinda Dunnaway Lee and Jenny Thompson, all on April 19 and Faye Hopper and Christine Clemons, both on April 20.
Happy wedding anniversary wishes go out to Eric and Ashley Stolz on April 14.