Bethlehem Hosts Sunrise Service
New Center news
Sunday, April 24, is Easter Sunday and some of the local churches will be having special services.
There will be a joint Easter sunrise service at Bethlehem Baptist Church on Sunday at 7 a.m. Joining in will be the congregations of New Center Baptist and Gum Springs Baptist churches. Bro. Anthony Patterson, pastor of Gum Springs Baptist, will be speaking.
Somerville Baptist Church will present “The King Is Coming.” Over 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ willingly endured the anguish of the cross and then three days later rose from the dead, proving his deity and power. The amazing part of this true story is that He did it all for you and me so that we could personally experience His free gift of salvation.
Join us this Easter as we remember Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and find out how this can change your life today. Morning services will be at 8:30 and 11 a.m. and Sunday school is at 9:45 a.m. Pastor Shane Lewis and the congregation extend a special invitation to all. Makes plans for you and your family to attend one of these services.
Strawberries look to be plentiful this year. It seems they received the right amount of sunshine, rain and lack of cold weather.
Happy birthday wishes go out to Charlsey Ferrell and Connie Motes, both on April 21, Brody Dean on April 22, Drew Clemons and Tom Robinson, both on April 23, Kody Vest on April 24, Milton Montgomery on April 26, and Carli Montgomery, Josh Teague and Christy Pratt, all on April 27.
Happy wedding anniversary to Harold and Polly Brown on April 22 and Charles and Doris Maples on April 27.