Song of Faith
As we move through the week from Palm Sunday to Easter I am reminded of the words to one of my favorite hymns. “Because He Lives’” by Bill and Gloria Gaither is one of the best songs of faith that has been written in the last 100 years. Faith that there is more to life than what we can see now and that God is in control. No matter what the world may throw our way, our future is in His hands.
The words to this song can bring a sense of calmness in a world that many times seems to be spiraling out of control. We worry about our future, our children’s future, our jobs, retirement, health, and how we will live in our retirement years. We worry about the price of gas, college tuition, global warming, political unrest, illegal drugs, and the list goes on. But no matter the amount of time we spend worrying we cannot change what the future holds for us. What we can do is live our life and trust in the God who created us and who will take care of us.
Life is very precious and is meant to be lived. None of us know the amount of time that we have left, and when death will come. During the past few months death has come to a co-worker and friend, high school classmates, a best friend, parents of friends, and others. Whenever death comes in close contact to you it gives greater meaning to life and the brevity of it.
The third verse of this hymn contains the following words:
“And then as death gives way to victory, I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He lives.”
Those who have gone on have experienced this firsthand and our
human words could not possibly describe their first sight of heaven and our minds could not comprehend what they experienced.
So as we celebrate Easter and the resurrection we know life is worth living, we can face the future, the tomb is empty, death has been defeated, and “He Lives”
Randy Garrison is the general manager of the Hartselle Enquirer.