Letters to the editor
Visit a church
decoration near you
Dear Editor,
If you are locally raised or have lived in our area for very long, you know what happens at many of our local churches this time of year.
Springtime always brings decoration Sundays for churches that have a cemetery. Homecoming Sunday sometimes will be in combination with decoration. Our local churches put a lot of work in the planning of that day.
I encourage you to take advantage of whatever activities might be planned at the church where your loved ones are resting.
As for my home church, Oak Ridge United Methodist Church, we have a great day planned. We have our regular Sunday sSchool time at 10 a.m., our regular worship time at 11 a.m. with guest speaker Joey Davis.
After the service, we will have a potluck dinner in the fellowship hall. Around 1:15 or 1:30 p.m., we will have the chance to sit in the cool and enjoy the special music and singing of the Glory Road Quartet.
We invite everyone to come and join us on Sunday, May 22, on our homecoming and decoration Sunday.
Donna Towson
Lay Leader
Oak Ridge United Methodist Church
Let’s give credit where it’s due
Dear Editor,
It was the military and Special Forces who gave their lives in the fate of bin Laden.
The plan to take bin Laden “dead or alive” was put into place October 2001.
There were people neither from the past administration nor from this administration who gave their lives in this accomplishment. The only part this administration played was being at the right place at the right time to give the green light to the military and Special Forces.
Let us not forget who actually did the job.
Jean Palmer
Express your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor. Send your thoughts to P.O. Box 929, Hartselle, AL 35640 or e-mail to
news@hartselleenquirer.com. Only signed comments can be included as Letters to the Editor.