EDITORIAL: Pool still needs to be fixed
The Hartselle City Council has decided not to pursue a proposed $13 million lifestyle/wellness center at this time.
We believe this is the right decision for this time because it doesn’t appear like the city could afford it and because the city would not be able to support it through memberships and other revenue.
However, it still leaves the city with its 35-year-old pool that is only open due to patchwork repairs made in the offseason.
It might not be economical for the city to pump another $450,000 into the pool just to make additional repairs a few years later.
It’s time for the city to build new pools. From all of the wellness center discussion, the majority believe the city should keep its pool open.
The only way to do that is replace the existing pool. The price tag could be as much as $2 million, but it’s much more affordable than a $13 million facility.
If the city wants to continue its public pool service, it must build a new pool.