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Plainview School Reunion set for July 23
The Plainview School Planning Committee is shown at Mr. Henry’s Restaurant planning its third all-school reunion.
They are, from left, (front) Doris Anders Jernigan, Levada Lemmond Knox, Nancy Drake Busby, (back) Hoyt Cheatham, Dianna Atkins Gurley, Kennith Vinzant and Kenneth Taylor. The reunion is scheduled for July 23 at the First United Methodist Church in Hartselle.
Letters have been sent to many who attended Plainview School at some time from 1937 to its closure in 1978.
If you did not receive a letter or you need more information, please call Taylor 256-773-4276, Knox-256-773-5126, Gurley 256-778-8432 or Jernigan 256-773-2167.