AARP Chapter #1831 seeks new meeting place
The regular July meeting of Hartselle AARP Chapter #1831 was conducted at Columbia Cottage assisted living facility with 14 members and a visitor in attendance.
The meeting was called to order by Patricia Moody, president, who welcomes attendees.
Members repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Vice President Sarah Plemons introduced the Rev. Michael F. Gunter as guest speaker.
A retired teacher, minister and member of the Hartselle Utilities Board, Rev. Gunter presented an informative program related to his growing up years in Mississippi.
He and his family came to Hartselle in the 1980s to pastor of a church, which he served at two different times. Presently, he is pastor of a Somerville church.
Rev. Gunter referred to himself as a “Retro.”
He talked about the subject of “Time,” using the book of James, chapter 43, as the basis for his remarks.
“Life is important and redeemable and we should make it worthwhile as we trust God who gave it to us,” he pointed out.
He closed his remarks by using his talent of voice to sing two meaningful sacred songs, “Give It All to Jesus” and “It Is Love.”
In a business session, locating a new meeting place was discussed and a motion was made for the resident to bring a recommendation back to the membership based on suggestion she receives.
The hospitality chairman reported that two cards were mailed to members with needs. The president reviewed membership bringing it up-to-date.
A cake was brought by Ms. Moody and won by Clinton Nicholson.
Door prices were won by Sandra Smith, Lavern Stacks Maedrue Driver, Martin Conley, Ms. Plemons, Ms. Castile, Clinton Nichelson, Glenn Smith and Leila Wallace.
Treasurer Martin Conley reported a bank balance of $212.15, with proceeds totaling $20.50 for the day.
Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Betterton, secretary, and approved.
The next meeting will be held on Sept. 6 at Columbia Cottage unless contacted by the president and told otherwise.
A Dutch treat meal was shared with Columbia Cottage residents following a prayer offered by Ms. Plemons.