Country Cousins celebrate 87th birthday of founder
The Country Cousins held their July meeting in honor of their founder, Idalene Singleton’s 87th birthday. Three of her four children were present with three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren attending.
Attending were Idalene Singleton and daughters, Marilyn Allen, Carolyn Miller, Sherry Demper, grandchildren, Tina Burroughs, Missy Frazier, Jennifer Crawford; great-grandchildren, Abigail, Gavin and Vivian Frazier, Greyson Crawford and Ray Burroughs, Hazel Brown and sons, Larry and Harold, Johnny Self, Inez Borden, Wilma Boger, Eleanor Bell, Bob and Edna White, Evalene Orr, Billie Hutchison, Fannie Self, daughter, Rita Green, Ray and Donna Weeks, Hoyt and Dot Maples, Zettie Atkinson and friend, Macie McBrayer, Edna Earle James and Zettie Wright.
A delicious lunch was served and a wonderful time was had by all.
The August meeting will be held at the usual meeting place, Midway Community Center, on Aug. 25.