AYP status for county schools good and bad
An AYP status report for Morgan County Schools, which was based on student test scores in 2010-2011 and presented by Mary Marquart, school improvement specialist, at a regular board meeting on Thursday, reflects both good and bad results.
Students as a whole exceeded proficiency index goals in all sub-categories except in special education. They were above goal by 7.40 points in reading, 9.70 points in math and 6.77 points in free/reduced price meals. Attendance was two percentage points above goal and the graduation rate increased from 81 to 85 percent.
Marquart pointed to Cotaco School as an example of what can be accomplished when a faculty puts its total focus on meeting a need.
The school’s special education students improved their cumulative scores in math from 11.91 points below goal in 2009-2010 to 6.04 above goal, a gain of 18 points, in 2010-2011.
In addition, three schools had students meet AYP goals two years ahead of the 2014 target date. Cotaco fourth graders and Eva fifth graders did it in math and Union Hill third graders met the goal in both reading and math.
On the negative side, the school system fell below goal for the second year in a row in the special education sub-category and was placed on School Improvement Year One.
Marquart said this means the school system will have to earmark 10 percent of its federal funding for professional development and additional reading instruction at all grade levels of special education. The State Department of Education will also provide oversight.
“We have already implemented reading programs for grades 9-12 and have a new software program for at-risk students at all grade levels,” Marquart reported.
The board acted on other matters as follows:
•Approved an out-of-state field trip request from Danville High School to send six students to Indianapolis to participate in the National FFA Convention Oct. 17-22.
• Approved an out-of-state field trip request from Falkville High School to send six students to Indianapolis to participate in the National FFA Convention Oct. 17-22.
• Approved the following low bids on yearly products for the Maintenance and Transportation Department: batteries (all sizes), Wilk’s Truck Tire; lubricants, W.H. Thomas Oil Co.; and gasoline and diesel, W.H. Thomas Oil Co.
• Approved the following low bids on yearly products for the CNP Department: milk, Purity Dairy; Ice Cream, Blue Bell Creameries; bread, IBC Sales Corp/Merita Bakery; and dishwashing products, Commercial Dishwashers.
• Approved a bid of $20,000 from Design Build Inc. for work to be performed to repair structural damage at Lacey’s Spring School.
• Approved a bid of $48,021.83 from Peck-Glasgow Insurance Co. for insurance for vehicles during school year 2011-2012.
• Approved payment of $250 to the Alabama Association of School Boards for legal assistance fund membership renewal for the 2011-2012 school year.
• Approved payment of $9,200 to School Superintendents of Alabama for SSA membership renewal for the 2011-2012 school year.
• Approved a contract with Dr Neil Hyche to act as the superintendent’s evaluator during his current term.
• Approved the Brewer High School baseball camp to be conducted Aug. 12-13.
Approved the Falkville Elementary after-school program for the 2011-2012 school year. The program will be conducted at no cost to the school board.
• Approved cost amounts for athletics, bands, etc for the 2011-2012 school year: The county will pay $.50 per mile on all trips required by the Alabama High School Athletic Association and state contests (example: region games and state band contest). Local schools will pay out of athletics band, etc. accounts $.70 per mile on these trips. This in turn will give transportation back $1.20 per mile SDE cost per mile rate. Also, the county will pay nothing on all non-required trips. Local schools will pay out of athletics, band, etc. $1.20 per mile on these trips.
Superintendent Bill Hopkins recommended and the board approved the following personnel items:
• Donald Allison was reemployed as a countywide bus driver for Cotaco, effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year.
• The Title I summer program was revised to show Melanie Davis as teacher for the program, not Carrie K. Johnson. Dates of the program were July 11-14 and 18-21 at West Morgan Elementary School.
• A catastrophic leave of absence was extended for James Clark, maintenance worker at the central office, effective Aug. 9-12.
• A homebound contract was approved for Sherrie Baker and Debbie Criscoe, effective Aug. 15. They will serve as homebound instructors for an eligible student.
• Chris Odom was approved as a countywide SPE support staff employee at Priceville High School, effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year. He is replacing Billy King who was non-renewed.
• The following employees were approved for services rendered during AHSGE at the rate of $450 per day: Larry Raper, Angie Tomlin, Gerald Holmes, Hank Little and Karen Wilemon, all at Falkville High School; Holly Little and Rona Blevins, both at Danville High School; and Tonya Templeton, Danville Middle School.
• Approved revised hire dates of Aug. 8 for countywide bus drivers Franklie Flack. And Wendy Pike. The change was made due to Bus Institute Day.
• Accepted the resignation of Cara Gilchrist as yearbook sponsor at Brewer High School, effective July 25.
• Approved a Career Education Extended Contract Grant from Career Technical Education state funds to Morgan County Schools in the amount of $6,168.68 for Andrew Brock, agriscience teacher at Brewer High School.
ª Accepted notice of resignation from Nic Cottrell as a third grade teacher at Danville-Neel Elementary School and all coaching positions at Danville High School, effective July 29.
• Approved the following personnel for the 2011-2012 after-school program at Falkville Elementary School: Melissa Wright, Laurie Smith and Paula Stevens.
• Approved a correction in place of employment for Michelle Johnson. She transferred to CNP assistant manager at Priceville Elementary School, not Priceville High School.
• Steve Hopper was reemployed as a countywide bus driver for Priceville Elementary School, effective begnning with the 2011-2012 school year. He is reassuming his duties from the 2010-2011 school year.
• Accepted the resignation of lead bus driver Tammy Stover at Danville Middle School. She will remain a bus driver but is resigning from the lead driver position.,
• Norma Beverly was approved as a half-time CNP worker at Priceville Elementary School, effective Sept. 6. She is replacing Michelle Johnson who transferred.
• Patrick Dean was approved as a countywide bus driver for Priceville Elementary School, effective with the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year. He is replacing Joyce St. John who retired.
• Approved Sandy Wilkerson as secretary-bookkeeper at Sparkman School, effective beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. She is replacing Angela Tucker who resigned.
• Approved Mindy Pflueger as an SPE teacher at Sparkman School, effective Aug. 9. She is replacing Charleston Wilson who resigned.
• Approved a maternity leave of absence without pay for Celisa Dooley, a teacher at Union Hill School, effective Aug. 18 through Oct. 14.
• Approved the reassignment of Marly Smith from third grade teacher at Union Hill School to math coach at Union Hill School, effective Aug. 19. An earned unit is used for this position.
• Approved the transfer of McKenzie Henderson from fifth grade teacher at West Morgan Elementary School to third grade teacher at Danvlle-Neel Elementary School School, effective Aug. 9.
• Approved the transfer of Lindsey Thorn from third grade teacher at West Morgan Elementary School to fifth grade teacher at Wes Morgan Middle School, effective Aug. 9. She is replacing McKenzie Henderson who transferred.
• Approved the transfer of Matt Adams from English teacher at West Morgan High School to counselor at West Morgan Middle School, effective Aug. 9. He is replacing Natosha Banks who transferred.
• Approved the reemployment of Diana Mason as a countywide bus driver for Sparkman School, effective Aug. 15. She is reassuming the position.
• Approved the transfer of Courtney West from kindergarten teacher at West Morgan Elementary School to media specialist at West Morgan Elementary School, effective Aug. 9. She is replacing Judy Caudle who retired.
• Approved the reassignment of Reba Pevahouse from Title I math coach at Sparkman School to sixth through eighth grade math coach at Sparkman School, effective Aug. 9. She is replacing Mary LeAnn Moore who was non-renewed.
• Approved the transfer of Marlene Whitely from countywide math resource teacher to Title I math coach at Sparkman School, effective Aug. 9. She is replacing Reba Revahouse who was reassigned.
• Approved the reemployment of Tony Drinkard as a health teacher at Brewer High School, effective Aug. 9. He is reassuming the position.
• Approved the reemployment of Jessica Thompson as SPE teacher at Brewer High School, effective Aug. 9. She is replacing Margaret Willis who transferred.
• Accepted the resignation of Ralph Donaldson, custodian at Eva School, effective Oct. 25.
• Accepted the resignation of Sandra Estes, countywide SPE support staff member, effective Aug. 1.
• Accepted notice of retirement from Ricky Bowling, teacher and former coach at West Morgan High School, effective Sept. 30.
• Approved Lorie Hall as counselor at Priceville High School, effective Aug. 9. She is replacing Dewana Howard who was non-renewed.
•Accepted the resignation of Beth McCaghren, a countywide SPE support staff member, effective Aug. 6.
• Accepted the resignation of Dennis Holmes, assistant soccer coach at Danville High School, effective Aug. 31.