Adult disabled persons not treated the same
Dear Editor,
I am writing in response to the zoning variance, which Volunteers of America is requesting.
As a retired special education teacher and former Alabama District North Civitan, I recall the pride and excitement that Hartselle Civitan members had regarding the SNAP playground. The city of Hartselle and Morgan County rallied around this concept and are still working to bring this project to completion as evidenced in the article on your website.
Now some citizens are saying, “Let us provide for our children with disabilities, but we don’t want them when they grow to be adults with disabilities.”
What a wonderful Christian attitude! When you lay down tonight, thank God you have healthy family members who do not need the services that Volunteers of America offer. I will pray that if I ever need assistance as I age, those Hartselle citizens will not be bothered with caring for me.
Tricia Hopper