Priceville High School observes AYP success
Priceville High School served barbecue pork and turkey and all of the fixings to faculty members and guests on Friday in celebration of the school’s success in meeting its Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) goal in the graduation rate category.
The luncheon was served in the library with teachers coming and going in keeping with their normal lunch period. Principal Mark Mason filled in for the teachers in the cafeteria.
The school raised its graduation rate to 91 percent last year after failing to meet AYP’s 90 percent goal in 2009-2010 with an 89 percent rate. By holding its current rate in the 2011-2012 school year, it will fully meet “No Child Left Behind” guidelines.
Martha Marquart, director of testing for the Morgan County School System, said Priceville’s faculty implemented an intensive leadership program to raise the graduation rate level.
“They focused hard on building stronger teacher-to-student relationships on a case-by-case basis where at-risk students were involved,” Marquart pointed out. “They also implemented a credit recovery option which enabled at risk students to make up missed classroom work in a short period of time and the entire faculty placed more emphasis on reading instruction.”
“This leadership team really work hard,” she added. “They made sure that those kids who were at risk for dropping out didn’t lose hope.”
“We had advisory groups working with students throughout the year,” said English teacher Kathy Delancey. “They met every week to check the progress students were making in their grades and classroom work.”
“It worked somewhat like the Big-Brothers, Big-Sisters organization,” added English teacher Kathleen Williams. “The tutoring was focused on helping them build their self-esteem and confidence.”
“It was amazing how everyone on the faculty stepped up and offered their help and encouragement to the students who were having trouble keeping up in their classes,” said principal Mark Mason. “It was a win-win for both the school and its at-risk.