Gandy’s Cove honors Pastor Russell
This month, all of the churches are celebrating Pastor Appreciation Month. While I was talking to everyone about their pastors, I thought back on the different pastors I have had at the different churches I have attended over the years.
Sometimes where me and my children went to church depended on how close to a church we lived because we had to walk. When we lived here and they were small, we attended Lawrence Cove because I was raised in this church and we could walk. We had Rev. Horace Chambers as pastor; we also had him all the years I was growing up. At one time, we went to Mt. Tabor Methodist as we lived close to it. When we first moved to Ohio, we even attended the Salvation Army church. It was close and we could walk. While in Michigan, we attended Elizabeth Road Baptist (I had a car then). I moved back to Ohio and married my late husband, Jake. I went with my dear sister-in-law, Audie Lindsey to the Church of the Nazarene.
Now, I go to Journey Church. I met God in all these different churches and I learned a lot. I thank God for all the fine pastors I had. Our pastor, Joey, is so good at what he does. I know it is always God sent. Sometimes I will have a question that I need answered and that will be just what he preaches, or I will have a question and when I open the Bible and find the answer. Don’t worry; I get my toes stepped on pretty regular. Gail Mobley and Emily Hudgins enjoyed a trip to the Hartselle Fine Arts Center to see a performance of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” We were so sorry to hear that Louise Campbell lost her sister, Dorothy Hall. Our prayers go out to Louise and her sister’s family.
The Eva Senior Center enjoyed a visit from Neal Morrison last Friday. He is the new state commissioner on aging. They were the first to get a visit from him. October is Pastor Appreciation Month and Gandy’s Cove United Methodist Church honored their pastor Sunday. Rev. John Russell preaches at 9 a.m. there and 11 a.m. at another church. They are very proud to have him and his family. Rev. Russell and his wife were missionaries in Africa for three years before coming to Gandy’s Cove. Journey Church will honor their pastors, Bro. Joey and Sister Kim Coots Sunday with a dinner at church. Last Sunday, Journey Church had a dinner to honor Kimmy Aaron, who left this week for Afghanistan, also for Caleb Dill who is home from basic training in the Marines. We are very proud of them and know they are taking God’s word with them. Lawrence Cove Church is having its Sunday singing and dinner, which will be after church and singing by the Riverside Trio. It will start at 1pm. Everyone is invited. Last Sunday, they had old fashioned day and all the ladies dressed in long dresses and bonnets.