Farm Payments Resume
Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Program (SURE) , Nonin-sured Crop Assistance Program (NAP) and Milk Income Loss Contract Program (MILC) payments resumed Wed., May 8.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture made this announcement Wed. Since March 4, 2013, the Farm Service Agency suspended program payments to ranchers and farmers in order to determine the least-disruptive process for carrying out required cuts. The USDA has decided to use the Secretary’s limited authority to transfer funds and avoid reduction of payments.
Enrollment deadlines for program sign-up periods are: 2013 Average Crop Revenue Election Program- June 3; 2011 SURE- June 7; 2013 Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program- Aug. 2
Producers should contact their local Farm Service Agency office as soon as possible for appointments to enroll in these programs before the deadlines.