Meeting notes from Hartselle BOE meeting on May 21
The Hartselle Board of Education took the following action at is regular board meeting Tuesday:
• Approved the request for Hartselle High School Boys’ Basketball to use the high school gym on May 28,-31, 2013 for basketball camp, and June 11-12, 2013 for basketball play dates.
• Approved the request from Hartselle Housing Authority to have bus services on Friday afternoons from June 7 – August 16, 2013, for transportation, to and from the Hartselle Aquatic Center, for the summer youth program at the OWO Center.
• Approved Summer Extended School Year (ESY) for special needed students on June 11-13, June 18-20, July 9-11, July 16-18, and August 6-8, 2013. Mrs. Lane Hampton to be the Certified Teacher; Mrs. Lisa Witherspoon and Mrs. Tammy Shelton to be the Teacher Aide Assistants.
• Approved 48 Out-of-District Students for the 2013-2014 school year.
• Approved change orders for high school gymnasium floor.
• Approved the request from Hartselle Junior High School to dispose of old textbooks that are no longer being used.
• Approved a bid from A Green Clean Paradigm, L.L.C. of Hartselle to clean the Sparkman Street campus, in the amount of $18,800.
• Approved the bid from Smith Service Corporation, 3313 Sexton Road, SE, Decatur, in the amount of $893,000 for the HVAC replacement at the Sparkman Street school campus.
• Accepted the contract from Community Action Partnership of North Alabama, Inc. to furnish meals for Head Start from Crestline Elementary School child nutrition program.