A look back at camp
Summer is a time when a lot of kids as well as older youth have been able to go away to camps – to make new friends , both learn and teach important lessons related to the faith in which they are being raised by their parents, acquire or perfect skills they can pass on to others, and, in general, to have fun during their break from school. Adults also participate in camp programs, frequently those of the churches to which they belong, or as managers of public camps.
June 27, 1935 – Miss Lizzie Reed Penn, Lindsey Oden, and Charles Oden have returned from the Christian conference at Camp Grandview near Elmore, Alabama. Miss Penn and Lindsey Oden were teachers at the conference.
Aug. 8, 1935 – Jean Freeman has returned home after spending two weeks at the high school girls’ camp at Alabama College.
July 1, 1936 – Elizabeth Houston left today for a two weeks’ stay at Camp Winnataska.
November 10, 1940 – Hartselle Methodist Church young people had a retreat at the Cold Springs 4-H Camp this weekend. Their time was spent mostly in devotionals, singing, and Bible reading, close to God’s own nature, and studying how to further serve Him.
July 19, 1941 – Horace Broom is currently at Westmoreland Scout camp.
Aug. 15, 1943 – Harold McClanahan has returned from Westmoreland Scout camp.
June 25, 1948 – Joe Speake will leave soon to participate in the Ridgecrest Baptist Camp mid-summer session.
Aug. 14, 1948 – Don Mikell, Herman Shoemaker, Jack Brock Long, Charles Henry Terry, and Bob Orr of Hartselle Boy Scout Troop 30 are spending the week at Camp Westmoreland. Long is a life Scout and the others are Scouts-second class.
May 28, 1950 – Robbie Quinn and Nancy Roberts are currently participating in the Baptist student retreat at Ridgecrest.
June 8, 1953 – A group of the older youth of the Methodist church went to Camp Sumatanga today for the senior assembly. Miss Frances Price is the group’s counselor.
June 10, 1954 – Nancy Pattillo will leave Monday for Shelbyville, Tenn., where she will join the staff of Camp Dunroamin as archery and badminton instructor.
April 13, 1956 – Ralph Lauderdale has recently left Hartselle to assume his duties as manager of the Lee-Hi Camp in the new state-developed park between Athens and Florence.
July 8, 1956 – Joy Broom and Judy Newman are at Skyline Ranch, Mentone, where they are members of the staff. Mike Roberts is on the staff of Camp Westmoreland, the Scout camp.
Aug. 24, 1956 – Katherine Ann Dunaway and Ann Hoffhaus returned today from Camp Sumatanga Methodist Camp where they served as junior counselors.
July 19, 1958 – Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Broom are spending the weekend in Mentone where they are visiting their daughter, Joy, a counselor at Skyline Ranch.
Sept. 5, 1958 – Martha Lynn Roberts left today to attend a leadership meeting at Grandview Camp. Martha Lynn, a student at Huntingdon College, will serve on the freshman orientation committee this year.
July 1, 1960 – Jan Puckett is at the Methodist Camp Sumatanga this week.
July 21, 1961 – The Hartselle Kiwanis Club is sponsoring a camp for disadvantaged children this week, using the facilities of the Christian Dells Bible Camp.
Sept. 5, 1961 – Mrs. Lester (Jane) Wooten, wife of the county superintendent of education, has returned from Maine where she directed dramatics and fine arts at Forest Acres Camp.
July 15, 1963 – Harriette Stallworth, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. I. F. Stallworth of Hartselle, is among more than 1,100 enrolled in the Midwestern Music and Art Camp at the University of Kansas.