Commission approves industrial park upgrade
The Hartselle-Morgan County Industrial Park will be getting a facelift soon since Morgan County commissioners voted June 25 to finish a section of road running north in front of the Morgan County Environmental Services Building.
Funding for the 500-foot road upgrade will come from a park fund, which has a current balance of about $41,000, according to Commission Chairman Ray Long.
Since the City of Hartselle is co-owner of the park, its governing body will have to give its approval before the project moves forward.
Mayor Don Hall said he is aware of the county’s desire to finish the gravel road and concurs wholeheartedly.
“I’ll be bringing this up for the council’s consideration in the near future,” Hall said. “Surfacing the road will enhance the appearance of the park and make it more attractive to potential clients.”
District 2 Commissioner Randy Vest pointed out the tires of the county’s garbage trucks are constantly picking up gravel from the road and dropping them on paved roads.
“This can cause damage to the road’s surface,” Vest said. “That’s something we want to eliminate. At the same time, we’ll be doing some window dressing in that section of the park and plan to fence the environmental services and animal shelter property after the road work is completed.”
The commission acted on other matters as follows:
•Accepted a bid of $25,758.40 from Lynn Layton Ford for a 2003 model extended cab pickup for District 3. Local preference was given to Layton because its bid was less than three percent more than a low bid of $25,732.50, which was submitted by Long Lewis Ford of Muscle Shoals.
•Amended Resolution 13-250 pertaining to the sale of MCATS vehicles on to delete the 1991 Dodge truck from the sale.
•Authorized the chairman to delete a 1989 Dodge van assigned to MCATS as surplus and to advertise it for sale on, with the proceeds to be returned to the vehicle procurement account.
• Executed a computer software support agreement with Delta Computer Systems for $890 monthly, representing the maintenance, support and web hosting services for the Commissioner of Licenses Office, effective FY 2014.
• Executed a lease agreement with Xerox Inc. in the amount of $375.79 per month over 36 months for two copiers for the Morgan County Corrections Department.
• Approved an employment contract with Murray Elton Millwee Jr. with the Morgan County Office of License Inspector at a rate of $10 per hour.
• Entered into an agreement with the City of Decatur whereby Decatur agrees to provide the county $7,942 from the 2013 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Award for the purchase of equipment.
• Authorized an the agreement between Morgan County Commission on Aging and the Morgan County Area Transportation System for transportation services in Morgan County for FY 2014.
• Paid the Town of Eva a $3,000 grant match for the town library’s Wi-Fi connection.
• Extended the contract to Ayers Cleaning Services to clean the courthouse at the same price, terms and conditions as the current contract through FY 2014.
• Paid $1,500 to September Skirmish and $200 to the Decatur Kennel Club (Cotton Cluster Dog Show from the Tourism, Recreation & Convention Fund).
• Paid the Decatur-Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center $4,500 for help with improvement of office centers for grant match assistance.
• Paid the Town of Somerville $3,500 for match grant assistance on a heating and cooling unit for the historic courthouse.
• Paid GMIS International $150 for membership dues for David Hannah.
• Paid Community Consultants Inc. $500 for the preparation and submittal of a COPS hiring grant for the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office.
• Paid Goodwin, Mills & Cawood Architects $31,024 for professional services on the new senior center at Union Hill.