BBQ & Bluegrass claims success
Special to the Enquirer
Saturday’s BBQ & Bluegrass event at Hartselle’s John F. Thompson American Legion Post 52 kicked off with a somber flag retirement ceremony and ended with some music playing into the night – with some well-deserved recognitions, delicious food and family fun throughout the day.
“We wanted to be more involved in our community, and it has been amazing seeing so many people come out today – especially for our first such event,” said Post Commander Mike Ferguson. About 200 people attended, enjoying music from Tricounty Grass and Allen Watkins.
Boy Scouts from Troop 92 in Hartselle retired several worn American flags in a ceremony to kick off the afternoon. Cadets with Hartselle’s Civil Air Patrol Joe Wheeler Squadron presented the colors, and Katherine Williams sang the National Anthem before the awards ceremony.
Hartselle Police Officer of the Year was awarded to Detective Tania Burgess. Hartselle Firefighter of the Year is Steven Gay. David VanKoughnett was named Hartselle City Employee of the Year, and Morgan County Sheriff’s Deputy of the Year went to Celese Sharbutt.
Kids enjoyed the bouncy house, snowcones and popcorn outside while the barbecue and fixings were served inside by volunteers with the American Legion Auxiliary and Girl Scouts.
“We hope to make this an annual event,” Ferguson said. “Stay tuned for what else we have planned this year.”