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Retirements, resignations accepted by school board
At its recent scheduled meeting May 25, the Hartselle City Schools board approved the following action and personnel items, including leave requests, retirements, resignations and new hires.
Leave requests
- Judy Swafford, CNP worker currently at Crestline Elementary, to be placed on medical leave effective April 20 through May 26.
- John Davis, custodian currently at F.E. Burleson Elementary, to continue medical leave until June 16.
- Beth Balch, from the position of elementary teacher at Barkley Bridge Elementary School, effective with the end of the contractual 2020-2021 school year.
- Brad Bray, from the position of secondary teacher and coach at Hartselle High School, effective with the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
- Lindsay Mercier from the position of elementary teacher at Hartselle Intermediate School, effective May 26.
- Jacob Wray from the position of elementary teacher at Hartselle Intermediate School, effective May 26.
- Alba Quattlebaum from the position of Spanish teacher at Hartselle Junior High School, effective May 26.
- Stacey Lawson from the position of Counselor at Hartselle High School, effective May 26.
- Amanda Tapscott from the position of PreK Auxilliary Teacher at Barkley Bridge Elementary, effective May 25.
- Staci Vernon from the position of Instructional Aide, currently assigned to F.E. Burleson Elementary, effective May 25.
- Phyllis Owens, from the position of custodian currently at Hartselle Junior High School, effective May 28.
- Jeff Hyche, Career Tech Supervisor, to retire effective September 1.
- Rita Roberts, Instructional Aide currently assigned to Crestline Elementary, effective June 1.
Non Renewals
- Haley Guevara from the position of elementary teacher at F.E. Burleson Elementary School, effective May 26.
- Hannah McNutt from the position of elementary teacher at F.E. Burleson Elementary, effective May 26.
- Debbie Kilpatric from the position of custodian, currently assigned to F.E. Burleson Elementary, effective May 25.
- Nathan Brown from the position of custodian, effective immediately.
- Carolyn Kidd from the position of cafeteria worker, currently assigned to Barkley Bridge Elementary, effective May 25.
- Jamie Haynes from the position of 10-month counselor at Barkley Bridge Elementary to the position of 10-month counselor at Hartselle High School, effective with 2021-2022 school year.
- Matt Praytor from the position of 10-month counselor at Hartselle High School to the position of 9-month secondary teacher a Hartselle High School, effective with the 2021-2022 school year.
- Schuyler Forman to transfer from the position of physical education teacher at Hartselle Junior High School, to the position of social studies teacher at Hartselle High School, effective with the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
- Luke Southerland from the position of Instructional Aide, currently assigned to Barkley Bridge Elementary School, to the position of Special Education teacher at Hartselle Intermediate School, effective with the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
- Elisa Harris from the position of Career Tech Manufacturing, to the position of part-time Career Tech Advanced Manufacturing and part-time Gifted Coordinator, effective June 1.
- Nicole Southern from the position of Special Education teacher at F.E. Burleson Elementary to the position of Special Education teacher at Hartselle Intermediate School, effective with the 2021-2022 school year.
- Kellye Lyon as a Spanish teacher at Hartselle High School with the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
- Sarah Garner for the position of elementary math teacher at Hartselle Intermediate School with the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
- Britany Peak as a secondary math teacher at Hartselle High School with the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
- Trent Wright to be hired as a summer custodial worker at Hartselle High School.
- Beth Clemmons for the position of fifth grade Reading teacher at Hartselle Intermediate school for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Dixie Putman for the position of Pre-K Assistant Teacher at Crestline Elementary School, effective with the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
- Maria Roa, for the position of custodian, based at the Central Office (to be assigned to schools, effective June 1.