Partner with God to move obstacles
By Todd Barrier
Obstacles. The word is defined as “a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.”
We all want one word from that definition: “progress.” We want progress in our relationship with God. We want to grow closer to Him, we want to know Him, and we want to be more like Him.
Life presents obstacles to that. Sometimes we create our own obstacles.
Some obstacles that limit or destroy our progress with God are time management, health, relationships, priorities, sin and many others.
Some obstacles we have no control over, other than our attitude toward them, and some we have complete control over.
The problem with obstacles is when we begin to ignore them. We pretend they aren’t affecting our relationship with God. Instead of partnering with God to move the obstacles in our way, we just avoid them or go around them and create new ones.
In John 9:4 the Bible says, “I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.”
When we have the opportunity to move obstacles in our way to a better relationship with God, we must do it – while we still have the chance.
Are you avoiding obstacles or partnering with God to move them out of the way?