Council approves tax abatement for Mobex Global expansion
By Rebekah Yancey
Mobex Global Hartselle, formerly Busche Performance Group, will invest an additional $499,000 in payroll dollars and bring 12 new jobs to Hartselle by the end of January 2022, according to Morgan County Economic Development Association president Jeremy Nails.
The equipment investment in the expansion of the company’s CNC business will total $3,976,950 in manufacturing machinery and equipment, Nails added.
The Hartselle City Council voted to approve tax abatements for the company’s expansion.
The abated taxes total $89,481 sales and use tax, with $59, 654 of that total being state of Alabama taxes and $29,827 belonging to the City of Hartselle.
Through the expansion, Nails said a total $14,914 in educational sales and use tax will be created that will benefit all school systems in Morgan County.
Mobex Global also requested a 10-year property tax abatement on the new equipment that totals $102,545. Of that total, $18,596 is state of Alabama property tax over the 10-year time period, while $26,566 will be abated from the City of Hartselle and $57,383 from Morgan County.
The abatement will also create $106,795 in educational property tax over a 10-year period, with more than $60K and $30K benefitting Hartselle City and Morgan County schools, respectively. An additional $15,939.62 will be created for the state of Alabama in education funds.
Nails said the average annual salary for new jobs with Mobex Global, not including a benefits package, is $46,200. Currently the company employs 152 employees, with a projected annual payroll of $7.1 million.
Representatives from Mobex Global said the new automated equipment is scheduled to arrive in mid-November and mid-December, with the installation happening in January.
In other business, the council:
-heard the introduction of Ordinance 1556 on the update of the general sign ordinance that would amend certain aspects of the ordinance regarding size regulations and neutral content
-heard the introduction of Ordinance 1558 on the adoption of 2021 building codes
-authorized the mayor to sign an application for an Airport Rescue Grant Program in the amount of $32,000
-authorized the mayor to sign an agreement with Midwest Tape for the William Bradford Huie Library to continue to use the platform for digital books
-approved a special event permit for the Hartselle Area Chamber of Commerce for Santa at the Depot, Nov. 7 from 1-4 p.m., which will require the closure of Railroad Street
-approved an alcohol license for Main Street West Gallery
-considered the job description for a part-time security officer for the new municipal building
-considered a budget adjustment for Hartselle Parks & Recreation
-considered approval of the quarterly safety award winners
The city council will meet again Nov. 9.