More than I deserve
I hope you all had a very merry Christmas, just as I did.
Once again, Santa Claus – who is also known as Mom and Dad and now my mom- and dad-in-law – went way overboard in their gift giving, even after saying they would be dialing it back this year. I think my mother has said that every year since I was a teenager, yet it never happens. I think it is her love language.
As I’ve grown older, the gifts have become more and more practical – and, of course, they are so appreciated. This year “Santa” brought me everything I wanted/needed … and more than I deserved.
My most special and treasured gift was hosting Christmas Eve at my house this year.
My parents came to spend the night with us, and while we didn’t get out and do a whole lot, we got to enjoy each other’s company. I miss living close enough to them to see them every day, so it was a welcomed, relaxing weekend to spend time with “the folks.”
Of course, we watched our favorite movie and even a couple others that have long been Martin family favorites. I cooked lasagna, and my mom and sister made Crockpot candy – and then we argued about whether to open our presents to one another on Christmas Eve or wait until the morning.
I think trying to decide what we are going to do every year is as much a tradition at this point as is the opening of presents.
Sunday, we gathered with my husband’s side of the family for more presents, food and fun.
All in all, it was a wonderful Christmas for us.
I have been blessed with far more than I deserve when it comes to most things in my life – the people I’m related to by blood and by marriage being the greatest blessings of them all.