Books of the week of March 30
This is the third and final book for this series about a young woman named Casey Cox who is on the run from a murder indictment.
She is trying to prove her innocence with the help of Dylan Roberts, a former military investigator.
Dylan knows police investigator Gordon Keegan is guilty and has the evidence to prove it. The only problem is getting the evidence into the hands of someone who will take him seriously.
He is able to get a meeting with the district attorney and turn over all the evidence. Before he can tell Casey, however, she is recognized and captured by the police.
Keegan pressures the department to release her to him for transport. Casey knows this day will be her last unless she can get away – but how?
Meanwhile, Dylan is in a race to get the facts out about Casey’s innocence and Keegan’s guilt before anyone else dies, especially Casey – but it’s hard to wage war when you aren’t sure who all your enemies are.
AnnieLee lands herself in Nashville. She is chasing her dreams as a singer with the help of her mentor Ruthanna Ryder, the Queen of Country music.
AnnieLee is a rising star, singing about her past. She is also desperate to run from the abuse she has endured.
Her new life eventually clashes with her old, and she has to fight to keep herself alive.
You can find a copy of “Run Rose Run” at the library or listen to it on audio with the Libby App.