Country News, lifestyle, Lifestyles
Falkville FFA volunteers with Falkville Lions Club
By Martha Jackson
Members of the Falkville High School FFA spent the first day of their Christmas break volunteering at the Falkville Lion’s Club community Christmas event. This is an annual event sponsored by the Lion’s Club. The 2022 event served 23 families from Falkville. The Falkville Lion’s Club officers are Terry Nappier, Red Wallace, Arthur Summerford, Jimmie Walker and Aaron Burgess. Ashley Holmes, the Falkville High School FFA instructor, headed up the assistance project. Apology to Hartselle Enquirer readers I want to apologize to the readers for having a short column this week. I am recuperating from injuries received from a recent wreck. I hope to be able to present a better column next week.