Are you serving Him?
By Todd Barrier
As children of God, we have all been given a calling – a mission. I like to call Matthew 28:18-20 our mission statement, “go into all the world teaching, preaching and baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
In Exodus 3-4, God gives Moses a calling, to go to Egypt and free the Israelites from the bondage of slavery, much like our calling to seek and save the lost. I think we can relate to Moses because often times, when we are presented with opportunities to serve, we do what he did; we make a bunch of excuses. The first excuse Moses gave was “Who am I?” He was saying what some of us say, who am I to do this job? I’m not a teacher or a preacher. I’m just a “fill in the blank excuse.”
I think this happens because we find our identity in the things we do or the things we like and therefore don’t want to put forth the time and effort it takes to serve God. Maybe if we found our identity in Christ as sons and daughters of the King, we would be motivated to be workers for Him instead of excuse makers. Are you serving Him when opportunity is there?