Standing firm in the faith
By Todd Barrier
In the Bible we are introduced to Peter while he is fishing. During this particular fishing expedition Jesus comes into His life. Soon after, Peter drops everything and follows Jesus (Luke 5:11). Peter sees all that Jesus can do and is completely transformed by Him. Even with all that he saw, Peter eventually betrays Jesus and denies Him three times. Peter goes back to His familiar life as a fisherman. It’s like he started all over because he wasn’t willing to stick with Jesus. Jesus shows up again and He lets Peter know that He still has work to do, and Peter is a big part of it (John 21:15-17.) In our life we will have the same opportunities that Peter had, we can stick with Him or go back to an old way of life. The Bible makes it clear what we should do… [1Co 16:13 NKJV] 13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Are you ready to stand with Jesus?