Tennis court request nets few results
By Staff
Leada Gore, Hartselle Enquirer
The volleying over who is responsible for fixing the tennis courts at Hartselle Junior High School continues.
Hartselle City School Board Chairman Dr. Andy Dukes is asking the city to deed the courts over to the school system. He’s also asking the city to contribute to the expenses involved in repairing the courts.
The cost of the repairs is estimated at $42,000. Dukes said the board has about half the money needed for the work, but didn’t specify how much he’d like the city to contribute.
The board is currently in the process of raising money to air condition the gymnasium at the junior high, a project that will cost some $45,000. That leaves it short of funds to renovate the tennis courts, Dukes said.
Duks asked the city to provide the lighting for the facility and pay the utilities costs; dig a drainage ditch at the end of the property facing the high school; and donate to the board any additional funds that were in park and recreation’s budget for tennis court renovations.
In the past, the school system has used the courts during the day and the public has access to them at night.
Mayor Dwight Tankersley said there is no money in the park and recreation department for the tennis courts. He said the city could provide the in-kind services to dig the ditch but thought the board should approach Hartselle Utilities about the lighting.
The city is currently paying the utility bill for the tennis court lights.
Tankersley said he was in favor of deeding the courts to the school board but didn’t believe the city could provide funding for the project.
School board members had expressed reservations about continuing with the repairs until they had the deed to the property and knew what the city was willing to contribute. School officials said the courts haven’t been repaired in some 15 years.