Hartselle schools report upswing in incidents
By Staff
Clif Knight, Hartselle Enquirer
The misbehavior of students resulting in disciplinary measures rose by nearly 13 percent in Hartselle public schools during the 2005-06 academic year, based on figures published in a state-mandated accountability report aimed at tracking school safety and discipline.
Four of the five schools in the system reported a combined 122 incidents, or 22 more than the 108 that were reported in the prior year.
The state’s education accountability law requires that copies of the annual report be distributed to media representatives, parent organizations and legislators no later than Dec. 31 of the year it is completed.
With 58 incidents reported, Hartselle High School led all of the other schools. Hartselle Junior High School followed with 26, F. E. Burleson Elementary had 25 and Crestline Elementary reported 18. Hartselle High School has 10 fewer incidents than the year before while Hartselle Junior High School had three more, Crestline 14 more and Burleson seven more. Barkley Bridge Elementary reported no incidents.
Twenty-four of the incidents resulted from persistent/willful disobedience. Burleson had nine, Crestline, six; HHS, five; and HJHS, four. Following in number for all schools were: disorderly conduct, 18, fighting, 15; assault, 10; threats/intimidation, seven; knife possession, five; truancy, sexual offenses and larceny and profanity or vulgarity, three each;
Drugs possession, harassment and tobacco possession; two each; and other weapon possession, alcohol use and other incidents, one each.
The incidents resulted in disciplinary action as follows: suspensions, 69; alternative school, 27; corporal punishment, 37; and alternative setting, five.