All students need outlets for their interests
By Staff
Michelle Blaylock, Mom's Corner
OK, here I go. I am on my soap box again this week and will probably open that proverbial can of worms. This week I am complaining about a practice at the high school. You see, I send my children to school for an education. I know that is probably a very silly reason considering the powers that be at the Hartselle High School think it's just perfectly lovely to spend "educational" time cheering for the various HHS sports teams! Not to mention giving excused absences to students that leave an hour early to attend a sporting event.
How do the powers that be know the students attended the sporting event? The students have to bring an admission ticket from the game on the next school day. Um, just one question. Couldn't they just buy the ticket and then go and do something else? Oh, surely not! Surely everyone would want to go! I mean after all these same students are strongly encouraged to learn the dear Alma Mater. Actually, they are given points to learn it in ninth grade. I haven't had a child yet learn it. I don't see why the students have to have any allegiance to HHS. I'm of the opinion that something has to earn our respect and allegiance. So far I'm not convinced HHS has done that.
My son in 10th grade can't attend pep rallies. In case anyone has forgotten the noise is deafening. That's one of the reasons he had to give up wrestling. He couldn't deal with the noise in the gym. It gave him migraines. He also rarely attends (He's been to two or three games in the last three years!) sporting events for the same reason. So he is punished by having to remain in school for the extra hour. Along with all the other students that either don't have the money or transportation to the game. I personally think that if they are going to let "some" of the student body out then the entire student body should have the last hour of the day off.
My son is still struggling to make up work from a couple weeks ago when he was absent for a week due to the death of his grandfather. In fact, I just got his mid-six weeks grades and notes from his teachers saying he hasn't made up all his work. Not one teacher from HHS said anything about "Sorry for your loss." or "I know there's a lot to be made up. How can I help?" The teachers from Barkley Bridge did. The teachers from HJHS did. In fact, I must note that the teachers at both of the aforementioned schools were very sympathetic and helpful.
That attitude will foster more allegiance than trying to get my son to cheer at some pep rally and giving him an hour off to go to a game in Huntsville hands down.
Now don't get me wrong. Sports have their place in school. Sports encourage teamwork, perseverance and many other positive qualities. I have and have had several children in sports. I'm not anti-sports. However, I also believe there should be an alternative for students who don't wish to participate in sports, or the related pep rallies. For example, during the pep rally and early dismissal offer tutoring for students who want it or a big screen movie for those all caught up on their work.
I'm actually not opposed to allowing an early dismissal occasionally, after all everyone needs a break now and then. However, it should be for everyone, not just the select few who are supposedly attending a game.
Do I really think this article will change anything? Not really, however, I still think my readers need to know about this.
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